
Results for B

Ici Naquit Beziers

VII Siècle Avant J.C.

Durant plusieurs siècles, les alluvions abandonnées par l’Orb dans ses débordements avaient pu laire oublier que site commandait le gué qu’utiliserent les population migrantes et les troupes en armes carthaginoises ou romaines. En 1856, les archéologues de ...

Le bourg Saint-Salvi

Le bourg Saint-Salvi

Ce bourg s’est développé aux XIe – Xlle siècles autour de la collégiale Saint-Salvi, à partir d’un anneau de rues commerçantes et artisanales, appelé en occitan «roda de la plassa» , la roue de la place.

Le nom ...

Oklahoma City Bombing Responders' Memorial

We Salute And Honor You

April 19, 1995

The grateful citizens of Oklahoma hereby express their gratitude to all Protective and Rescue Personnel, who amid death, danger, darkness and depression, rendered superb service above and beyond the call of duty. They were ...

Oklahoma City Bombing Children's Memorial

In Memoriam

Nineteen Little Boys And Girls Killed In The OKC Bombing

April 19, 1995

"He took them up in his arms...."

Mark 10:16 (KJV)

Painting: Alice Murray

Marker is at the intersection of Robinson Avenue and NW 5th Street, on the right when traveling north ...

Journal Record Building South Wall

The south wall of the Journal Record Building directly faced the blast's impact and was heavily damaged by the April 19, 1995 bombing. Parts of the south wall were separated from the floor beams, and the arched section of the ...

Temple Beth El (Reform)

Temple Beth El, founded in 1876, was the first Jewish congregation chartered in Florida. The current synagogue dates from 1931. Inside is located the North Florida Jewish Historical Experience Museum, a portion of the MOSAIC traveling exhibit, which traces Jewish ...

Battle of Kelly's Ford

Following the December 1862 Fredericksburg debacle at Fredericksburg, and the infamous Mud March of January 1863, both sides settled into winter camps on opposite sides of the Rappahannock River. Several cavalry raids and skirmishes broke the dull routine of camp ...

Joseph Blancpain's French Trading Post

French trader Joseph Blancpain established a trading post in this vicinity in August 1754. He had been living in Natchitoches, Louisiana, where he was the owner of a mercantile store.

With a small group of men, Blancpain arrived in August and ...

First Log Cabin

Erected by Joseph Gray at S.W. corner of present day Bridge and Spring Streets to serve Dutch Flat Wagon Road traffic over Donner Pass.

Marker is on Church Street east of Bridge Street, on the right when traveling west.


Turtle Bayou Resolutions

Near site of the signing of

Turtle Bayou Resolutions

Drafted and signed at Turtle Bayou on June 13, 1832; this first formal protest of Texas colonists against Mexican tyranny formed an early step in events that led eventually to the Texas Revolution ...
