Charles Marsh House

Built about 1866 by Charles Marsh, who arrived here in July, 1849, in

what would later become Nevada City. Marsh was the first county surveyor and the first county supervisor from Nevada City. He created the water distribution system which ...

49th New York Infantry

3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 6th Corps



N.Y. Inf'y

3rd Brig. 2d Div.

6th Corps.

Held this position

May 12, 1864.

(Left):The muffled drums

sad roll has beat.

The soldiers last


No more on life's

parade shall meet

that brave and

fallen few.

On fame's eternal

camping ground

their silent tents

are spread

and glory guards

with solemn round

the ...

Second Battle of Manassas

The center of Lee’s army rested here on August 30, 1862; Jackson was to the north of this road, Longstreet to the south. Late in the afternoon, after Jackson had repulsed Pope’s assaults, Longstreet moved eastward, driving the Union forces ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's southern cavalry arrived July 1, 1863, by Dover and Dillsburg. Finding Ewell had left the day before, Stuart burned the U.S. Barracks and left for Gettysburg, where the battle had begun.

Marker is on Pennsylvania Route 74 ...

Cannon Memorial Park Veterans Monument

[Top Plaque]:

In Honor of our fallen hero

Courtesy of Cannon Memorial Park

[Lower Plaque]:

Although you are gone

your strength to fight for

our lives, property and our

freedom at home will always

be known.

May you sit at the throne of

God with the angels above,

until we meet ...

First Water-to-Water Flight

Glen L. Martin flew his own plane, built in Santa Ana, from the waters of the Pacific Ocean at Balboa to Catalina Island, May 10, 1912. This was the first water-to-water flight and the longest and fastest over-water flight to ...


(Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad)

Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad was dedicated May 20, 1876 one hundred feet east of this spot.

Built by John Flint Kidder between 1874-76 it ran 22 miles from Nevada City to Colfax via Grass Valley. Rails ...

McFadden (Newport) Wharf

The original wharf at this site was completed in the winter of 1888-89 and was connected by railroad with the hinterland in the winter of 1890-91. It served as a shipping and distributing point for Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside ...

126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

(West Side):

Dedicated to the memory of

the gallant 126th Reg't O.V.I.

commanded by Colonel Benjamin F. Smith

and Lieut. Colonel Aaron W. Ebright

2nd Brigade

3rd Division

6th Army Corps.

Army of the Potomac

(North Side):Ohio's tribute to the heroes of the gallant 126th Reg't O.V.I. who ...

Penn School

[front text]

One of the first schools for blacks in the South, Penn School, was reorganized as Penn Normal, Industrial and Agricultural School in 1901. As a

result of this change, incorporating principals of education found at both Tuskegee and ...
