Baraboo River

The river front was once the heart of Baraboo. Railroads, industry and commercial trade gravitated toward the river, making it the initial center of activity. On the river in this area at various times 1844 - 1902 were saw mill, ...

Libby Prison CSA


On This Site Stood Libby Prison CSA


For Federal Prisoners Of War

Placed By Confederate Memorial Literary Society

A.D. 1911

Marker is at the intersection of East Cary Street and South 20th Street, on the right when traveling east on East Cary ...

Relocation of the County Seat

The conflicting claims of the proprietors of Maryland and Pennsylvania resulted in a lengthy and sometimes violent dispute concerning the ownership and boundaries of Sussex County. Residents who had been Marylanders before the controversy was resolved in 1775, found themselves ...

Mormon Battalion Marker

Dedicated to the valiant members of the historic Mormon Battalion who stopped here on March 20, 1847, as they marched from San Diego to Los Angeles. A division of the U.S. Army of the West, these brave soldiers, trusting in ...

Sussex County Courthouse

In 1835 a lottery was authorized to raise funds to replace the frame structure which had served as Courthouse since 1791. Construction of the new building began in 1837 following the sale and relocation of the original Courthouse to its ...

Confederate Veterans

To the Memory of

Confederate Veterans

1861 - 1865

Marker is on Towne Square, in the median.


The Lives of Castle Clinton:

Defense, Entertainment, Immigration, Education

In 1790 the Common Council of the City of New York authorized the removal of stone and soil from Fort George and the Grand Battery to fill in the pier line along the Battery. Beginning in 1808, ...


1725 - 1758

An historic Indian village, was located a

short distance northwest of this spot.

It was founded by Shawnees and

later occupied also by Delawares, Senecas,

Mohawks and Wyandots.

Here in 1748 Conrad Weiser, agent of

Pennsylvania, negotiated a treaty with the

Indians, that opened the ...


Confederate Raid

(Preface): On April 20, 1863, Confederate Gens. William E. "Grumble" Jones and John D. Imboden began a raid from Virginia through present-day West Virginia on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Taking separate routes, they later reported that they marched ...

"The Irwin"

Presented to the town of Bridgeport by J. S. Cain in 1914. Built in 1881 by J. Renault, machinist for the Standard Co. of Bodie, Calif. This cannon was never fired.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Main Street ...
