Harold M. Cooper


From clubhouse manager

to general manager

From Franklin County Commissioner to

International League President....

Harold's leadership and dedication to the

game of baseball uniquely qualifies him as

“The Patriarch of Columbus Baseball”

Marker is at the intersection of Neil ...

Founders of Wallingford

1669   In Memoriam To The   1935

Founders of Wallingford

On Ministry Site

Chosen by Them

In the continual remembrance of a glorious past.

Individuals and nations find their noblest inspiration.

Signers of the Plantation Covenant

Samuel Street • ...

General Andrew Pickens


The man most responsible for opening up the northwestern part of South Carolina by driving out the Cherokee and the British, during and immediately following the American Revolution War, was General Andrew Pickens. deeply religious but a fierce warrior, ...

1803 Plan of Rockville and Boundary Stone

Rockville began when Owen's Ordinary, an inn and tavern, was established in this area around 1750. It functioned as the seat of lower Frederick County and in 1776 became the seat of Montgomery County when it was created. In 1784, ...

The Legend of Corky the Hornet

Emporia State University

In the early 1930s, the Kansas State Teachers College students were known as the "Yaps." Not fond of the name, legendary coach Vic Trusler suggested to Cecil Carle of the Emporia Gazette that the team be called ...

Grijalva Adobe Site

Juan Pablo Grijalva, a Spanish soldier, came to California with the Anza Expedition in 1776. On this hill he built one of the first adobes in what is now Orange County. In 1801 he petitioned for use of the land ...

Montgomery County Court House

There have been four court houses in Rockville

since it was established as the County seat in 1776. Court was originally held at Hungerford Tavern. A frame court house existed in the late 18th century but was sufficiently outgrown by ...

Bell System at Augusta, Georgia

[Bell System Logo]

The first telephone

exchange in the State of Georgia

was established at

Augusta, Georgia

August 1, 1879

With seventy eight subscribers,

this was only three years after

Alexander Graham Bell

invented the telephone.

This plaque

presented by


Battle of Appomattox Station

Final Blow

You are standing near the site of Appomattox Station Depot on the South Side Railroad. Here, on the afternoon of April 8, 1865, Union cavalrymen under Gen. George A. Custer dealt the Army of Northern Virginia a final ...

George Washington Memorial


"...knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness, in one in which the measures of government receive their impression so immediately from the sense of the community as is ours it is proportionably essential..."

First Annual ...
