
Results for Christ Church

Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church


Diocese of Connecticut


Founded as Christ Church 1762

Set Apart as Cathedral 1919

Present Building 1828

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas

Bishop of Connecticut

The Very Rev. Mark B. Pendleton


Canon Kevin Jones

Precentor & director of Music

The Very Rev. Richard H. Mansfield, Jr.

Dean ...

Christ Episcopal Church, Duanesburg New York

This property has been

placed on the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior

Circa 1793

Marker is at the intersection of Great Western Turnpike (U.S. 20) and Duanesburg Churches Road (County Route 127), ...

Main Street Christian Church

Built on this site in 1842. The 16-day Campbell-Rice Debate on Christian baptism, etc., was held here Nov. 1843, Hon. Henry Clay Presiding.

Marker is at the intersection of East Main Street and Martin Luther King Boulevard on East Main Street. ...

Christ Episcopal Church, Duanesburg New York

Built 1792 Consecrated 1793

by Bishop Samuel Provoost

A Glebe of 80 acres presented

by James Duane for rectory

Marker is at the intersection of Great Western Turnpike (U.S. 20) and Duanesburg Churches Road (County Route 127), on the right ...

Christ Church

The Mother Church of Georgia

This Episcopal Church was the first house of

worship established with the founding of Georgia in 1733. Early rectors included the Rev. John Wesley (1736-37), who began the earliest form of Sunday school and published the ...

Olivet Christian Church

First service was held in a one room school house, one mile and half north of this site, Nov. 2, 1879

The school house was renovated and dedicated Aug. 6, 1882 and named Olivet.

The first new building, one half mile north ...

Christ Church


Christ Church

Founded A.D. 1733. Chartered 1789.

Destroyed by Fire 1796. Rebuilt & enlarged 1803.

Injured by a hurricane 1804. Constructed anew 1810.

Taken down, and

This Edifice Erected


Partially destroyed by fire, rebuilt and improved


Marker is on Bull Street near E. Congress St., on the ...

Olive Branch Christian Church

In 1833 the founders of Olive Branch Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) met for worship at Hill Pleasant Farm. By 1835, the congregation had built a brick church on land donated by Dr. Charles M. Hubbard and Mary Henley. During ...

Christiana United Methodist Church

The origin of this congregation may be traced to the earliest days of Methodism in America. In March, 1771, Joseph Pilmore, one of the first Methodist missionaries from England, preached outdoors at Christiana. Upon returning in 1773, Reverend Pilmore noted ...

First Indiana State Meeting of the Christian Churches


Indiana State


of the

Christian Churches

(Disciples of Christ)

was held in

Central Christian Church.

Then on the South Side

of Kentucky Avenue

between Capitol and

Senate Avenues,

June 7-11, 1839This marker dedicated at the 125th anniversary state ...
