
Results for Court House

Old Court House

Designed by Jacob Graves and built

by John Damron, Newberry County's

fourth court house was erected in

1852. It replaced an earlier building

on this site which was probably designed

by Robert Mills. The Old Court House

is now used as a community hall.

The ...

The Courthouse Today

Part of a Complex of Local Services

The need to centralize the county’s government and to provide adequate jail facilities prompted local officials to take measures to build a new complex. A dedication of the new court facility at Parham and ...

The Courthouses in Richmond

Growth and Consolidation

The 1752 Henrico Courthouse, a colonial-style brick structure, was built in Richmond in the middle of 22nd and East Main streets. The Declaration of Independence was read publicly for the first time from its steps on August 5, ...

The Early Courthouses in Varina

Establishment of Justice

During the 1620s, Henrico court meetings were referred to as the Court of Upper Charles City. After the establishment of the county in 1634, the gentlemen justices of Henrico assembled for their monthly sessions either at the home ...

Pulaski Courthouse Square Historic District

This District was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983 by United States Department of Interior. The Square was laid out in 1811 by the original County Commissioners. Buildings date from 1867 and reflect the Victorian Style ...

Genesee County Courthouse

Erected 1841

This building stands at the bend of the Tonawanda and the junction of two major Iroquois Trails - Old Genesee and Big Tree Roads

Onondaga limestone obtained from Consider Warner's Quarry in LeRoy

National Register of Historic Places


Chesterfield County Courthouse

This area, known originally as "Cold Water Run," is the site of the first Chesterfield County courthouse, erected in 1750. In 1917 it was demolished and replaced by a larger Georgian Revival brick building that served the county until the ...

Chesterfield Court House

Soldiers and Refugees

Late on the morning of Monday, April 3, 1865, part of Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia briefly halted here at the Chesterfield County seat. The day before, a series of Federal attacks had broken ...

Wilson County Courthouses

The first courthouse stood on the west side of the public square. The second was located in the center of the square. In 1848 the third, designed by William Strickland, was erected on this site which was Lot No.2 (SW) ...

Courthouse Burned

Twenty-two Kentucky courthouses were burned during Civil War, nineteen in last fifteen months: twelve by Confederates, eight by guerrillas, two by Union accident. See map on reverse side.

Courthouse and other buildings in Tompkinsville burned by CSA force, April 22, ...
