
Results for D T

99. Johnson Drug Store

99. Johnson Drug Store. 5216 Willing Street. 1910. Masonry Vernacular. This building was occupied by Johnston's Drug Store, and in the 1920s a doctor's office was located on the second floor.

98. Hamilton Building

98. Hamilton Building. 5218(b) Willing Street. 1909. Masonry Vernacular. This building was constructed in 1909 and originally housed the Hamilton Company, (previously known as the Fisher and Hamilton Company), general merchandise store. In 1917, Mrs. S.F. Mitchell purchased the building ...

95. Cohen Brothers Building

95. Cohen Brothers Building. 5224 Willing Street. 1910. Masonry Vernacular. Formerly occupied by the Cohen Brothers. The building served as an important dry goods store in downtown Milton. The building is believed to be the oldest concrete building in the ...

91. D.T. Williams Building

91. D.T. Williams Building. 5240 Willing Street. 1910. Masonry Vernacular. Formerly occupied by D.T. Williams Dry Goods, Hardware and Grocery.

90. D.T. Williams and Co. Office Building.

90. D.T. Williams and Co. Office Building. 5242 Willing Street. Circa 1912. Masonry Vernacular. This architectural style is typical of commercial. buildings constructed in Milton during the first two decades of the twentieth

89. Bates-Krentzman Building

89. Bates-K.rentzman Building. 5227 Willing Street. 1919. Masonry Vernacular. The Bates-Krentzman Dry Goods Company originally occupied this building in 1919.

88. Elliot Building

88. Elliot Building. 5235 Willing Street. Circa 1910. Masonry Vernacular. A 1917 Sanborn Insurance Map indicates that the building served as a General Store.

73. Delia F. Carter House. 6811 Pine Street

73. Delia F. Cater House. 6811 Pine Street. 1888. Frame Vernacular. The house shows subtle elements of
Greek Revival Style with its distinctive
pedimented portico and squared
classical columns. The front facade
features an asymmetrical main entrance
which is is ...

36. Landrum Stewart House

Landrum-Stewart House. 5226 Elmira. 1880. Frame Vernacular. This house exhibits characteristics of Creole Cottage style. This style is often associated with French Colonial style that is seen along the Gulf Coast. A distinguished feature of the Creole style is the steeply, ...

31. Old Post Office

31. Old Post Office. 6821 Caroline Street. 1940. Colonial Revival. This building was commissioned as a Work Progress Administration (WPA) project. It operated as a post office until 1984, when a new post office was built for Milton.

In 2016, ...
