
Results for L

Lewiston, Idaho

In 1860, gold was discovered in Pierce, sixty miles east of here, setting the stage for white encroachment in the area. In 1862, the town of Lewiston sprang up at the confluence of the Clearwater and Snake Rivers as a ...

Side Trip: Wallowa, Oregon

Tensions between settlers and Nez Perce ran highest when the Joseph band came to their summer camp at Indian Town near Wallowa. The first council between the two sides was held on August 14, 1872 near where the Lostine and ...

Side Trip: Lostine, Oregon

At the confluence of the Lostine and Wallowa Rivers, the Lostine area has long provided campsites for the Nez Perce.


In 1860, prospectors encroaching on Nez Perce lands struck gold. ...

Buckhorn Lookout, Oregon

*Rugged Travel: roads recommended for high clearance, four wheel drive vehicles only; usually passable from July to October*

Click on the photo above to see magnificent views of the traditional Nez Perce homelands of the Wallowa area bands, in the ...

Indian Village Grove, Oregon

*Adventurous Travel: roads not recommended for motor homes or vehicles towing trailers; usually passable from July to October*

A half-mile walking trail leads through a grove of ponderosa pines to a former Nez Perce spring camp. Many of the trees ...

Old Chief Jospeh Memorial

This is a national historic landmark and sacred site dedicated toTiwiteq'is, Old Chief Joseph. He is referred to as Old Joseph to distinguish him from his son, Chief Joseph (Hinmatooyalahtqitphoto_library

MHHM-37 Lewis and Clark in Salish Territory

US 93, MP 82, south of Lolo


The Lewis and Clark Expedition camped near here September 9 through 11, 1805, while traveling through the ancient territory of the Salish and Pend d’Oreille people. Since time immemorial, the tribes have ...

MHHM-38 The Bitterroot Valley, Homeland of the Selis

US 93, Mile Post 82, South of Lolo


Since Coyote first prepared this place for human beings, the Bitterroot Valley has been the homeland of Salish-speaking peoples of western Montana-the Qlispe (Kalispell or Pend d’Oreille) and the closely-related Selis ...

MHHM-40 Salish Removal

US 93, Mile Post 67, Stevensville Junction


In the Hellgate Treaty negotiations (1855), Xw Etxcin (Plenty Horses or Chief Victor) and the Selis people rebuffed efforts of US officials to get them to abandon the choice lands of their ...

MHHM-41 Rocky Mountain Laboratory

US 93, Mile Post 48, at Hamilton


In earlier, days, Rocky Mountain spotted fever was a dreaded malady in the West. The first case of spotted fever was recorded in ten Bitterroot Valley in 1873. Neither cause nor cure ...
