
Results for Railroad

Angelina & Neches River Railroad

Chartered in August 1900 and headquartered in the sawmill town of Keltys, the Angelina and Neches River (A&NR) Railroad began as a small short line railroad to move logs from the woods of East Texas to the mills of the ...

D T & I Railroad's Uniopolis, Ohio, Station

Lincoln Park Train Exhibit

In 1964, the Detroit, Toledo, and Ironton Railroad donated an equipped station to the Lincoln Park Railroad Exhibit. The depot behind you was moved from its original location at Uniopolis, Ohio ten miles to the south. ...

Underground Railroad Route

1830 - 1860

Verity Pkw. once Miami-Erie Canal

an Underground Railroad route

1830 - 1860

Those traveling along Underground

Railroad found safe stations

in N. Main St. homes of


listed on other side

Rice • Hawkins • Colston

Burget • Miller • Hardy

Edwards • Nutter • Davis

Smith • Robison ...

Railroad Pass

Named for an 1890's railroad which was never built, Railroad Pass first became a destination after Professor Robert T. Hill discovered alunite in the area in 1908. A mining district was formed, but only small amounts of gold were found. ...

Old Coal Pit Railroad Bed

This railroad bed carried coal from the Deep Run and Springfield Coal Pits, two miles to the northeast of here, during the nineteenth century. The line ran south for about six miles to the now abandoned Kanawha Canal on the ...

Central Railroad of Georgia Freight Depot

The Southwestern Railroad of Georgia was the first rail line to connect with Eufaula when the railroad bridge between Georgetown, Georgia and Eufaula was completed in late 1865. In 1867 the Vicksburg & Brunswick Railroad Company was formed to build ...

Great Western Railroad Depot

This depot, built in 1852, was the site of Abraham Lincoln's famous farewell address upon leaving Springfield on February 11, 1861, to assume the presidency of the United States.

Marker is at the intersection of E. Monroe Street and 10th Street ...

Early Railroad Signals

In the earliest days of railroading, train movements were controlled by flagmen, station agents, or other workers alongside the tracks, using flag or lantern signals to stop or start trains as needed.

The first practical mechanical wayside signals, developed in the ...

Railroad Rails

The first rails for horse-drawn tramways and gravity-powered railroads were simple wooden stringers. Later, wrought-iron straps on top of the wood stringers, and then cast iron rails, gave greater durability. The predecessor of the modern "T"-section rails first appeared on ...

Railroad Standard Time

Before 1883, clocks were set to local "sun time," where noon was the time when the sun was highest in the local sky. Use of sun time meant that each town's time was different; Chicago would be nearly 5 minutes ...
