Manning Castle Clinton’s 28 guns

Order of September 18, 1814 – “The force employed will be 2 gunners and 8 matrosses (artillerists) to each gun. To every section or chamber of 2 guns a non-commissioned officer” . . .

Marker can be reached from State Street, ...

Bridgeport Elementary School

Built in 1880, this historic building was used until October, 1964. Plans for a new school building called for the destruction of this one. It was saved by the Mono County Historical Society, the citizens of Bridgeport and Mono County. ...

Gladden Home Site

States-rights advocate Adley Hogan Gladden, who lived here before the Civil War, served Columbia as postmaster 1841-45 and was later bursar of S. C. College, captain of the Governor's Guard, and intendant of Columbia 1851-52. In 1847 he assumed command ...

George Washington

Here George Washington reviewed militia from Pennsylvania and New Jersey, rendezvoused at Carlisle, October 1794, before marching to the western part of State to quell the Whiskey Rebellion

Marker is at the intersection of W. High Street and West Street ...

Legion of the United States Encampment

On the plateau, southwest of this spot, was

situated the camp of the army of

General Anthony Wayne. This army, known

as the Legion of the United States, encamped

at this place when on the expedition

against the Indians west of the Ohio from

November 1792 ...

Leo J. Beachy

Photographing the National Road

“My camera lens does not lie. It took just what it saw, no more, no less.” –Leo Beachy

Leo J. Beachy (1874–1927) left us a special legacy. One of seven children raised on a farm named Mt. ...

Friday’s Added Station

(back) The Pony Express Started on April 3, 1860. The original route from Johnson Pass (Echo Summit) to Genoa went through Hope Valley to Woodfords Station.

On May 14, 1860 the new toll road over Daggett Pass opened to foot and ...

Legionville Monument

1792 1916

This marks the site of

General Anthony Wayne’s Camp

during the winter of


Erected by

The Fort McIntosh Chapter

Daughters of the American Revolution

of Beaver County, Pennsylvania

Marker is at the intersection of Duss Avenue and Anthony Wayne Drive, on the left when traveling north ...

River Habitats

The Mississippi River and its backwaters are home to a vast and diverse array of fish and wildlife. The river's natural fluctuations help create an environment rich in vegetation — providing food and habitat for nesting birds, fish, and numerous ...

Landram Farm

MOLLUS Monument

These one hundred and sixty-two acres known as the Landram Farm, were presented to the Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park by the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States commandery of the State of Pennsylvania ...
