Site of Mission Nuestra Senora De Los Dolores De Los Ais

Established in 1716 by Padre Fray Antonio Margil De Jesus. Here faithful Franciscans labored for the purpose of civilizing and Christianizing the Ais Indians. Abandoned temporarily due to the French incursions from Louisiana in 1719. Restored by the Marquis of ...

Log House and Defensive Line

This log house hiding Confederate snipers was in front of the defensive line 250 yards to the south. Heavy fighting took place there on Oct. 23, 1864 between Marmaduke's Confederates and Pleasonton's Cavalrymen. Clarke's Confederate Brigade was in line here, ...

George Donner, Jr.

[Front of Marker:]


Here lies George Donner, Jr., a California Pioneer and a Donner Party survivor. He was born 10 August 1836 in Sangamon County, Illinois, the eldest son of Jacob Donner and Elizabeth Blue Hook. In April 1846 his father, ...

Strawberry Valley House

This popular resort and stopping place for stages and teams of the Comstock, established by Swift and Watson in 1856, became a remount station of the Central Overland Pony Express on April 4, 1860. Here on that date division superintendent ...

Old Velasco, CSA

Historic and key Texas port of entry located near here. During the Civil War was fortified by troops and 8 gun batteries at the mouth of the Brazos River, to provide shelter and landing facilities for blockade runners; to protect ...

Boll Weevil Monument

December 11, 1919

In profound appreciation of the Boll Weevil and what it has done as the Herald of Prosperity this monument was erected by the Citizens of Enterprise, Coffee County, Alabama

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (U.S. 84) ...

The Liberty

The armed schooner "Liberty", the first American Naval vessel officially commissioned early in July 1775 by a Provincial Congress, sailed from this port. She was commanded by Oliver Bowen and Joseph Habersham and carried ten carriage guns and fifty men. ...


Here was fought a battle-- the first collision in arms between Texas colonists and the Mexican military-- a conflict preliminary to the Texas War for Independence.

On June 26, 1832, when Texans under John Austin and Henry Smith came down ...

Yuha Well

Known as Santa Rosa De Las Lajas (Flat Rocks), this site was used on March 8, 1774 by the Anza exploring expedition, opening the land route from Sonora, Mexico, to Alta California. On December 11 to 15, 1775 the three ...

The 32d Red Arrow Division

In Honor of

the Members of

The 32d Red

Arrow Division

Formed 18 July 1917

World War I

6 April 1917 – 11 November 1918

Campaigns "France"

Alsace • Aisne-Marne • Oise-Aisne • Meuse-Argonne

Casualties: Killed 2,671·Wounded 10,242·Prisoners 103·Total 13,016.

Occupation of Germany

17 November 1918 – 18 April 1919

—— ——

Activated ...
