Lebanon Church

In the Line of March

Historic Lebanon Church, located behind you at the intersection of two strategic highways, served both the Confederate and the Union armies during the Civil War. Soon after Confederate Col. John Bankhead Magruder began organizing the Peninsula’s ...

Aviation Field Yorktown

From July 1919 until Aug. 1921, the U.S. Navy operated an aviation training school north of here at what was then known as the U.S. Navy Mine Depot (U.S. Naval Weapons Station). The school provided the first advanced aviation and ...

Longstreet Methodist Church


Longstreet Methodist Church was organized around 1812 and the original building is still in use. Land for the church was given by Charles Walker, one of the five sons of George Walker, Revolutionary soldier and early settler. The sons built ...

Battle of Lee’s Mill (Dam Number 1)

April 16, 1862

A stalwart defense of the Warwick River by units of the 15th North Carolina, 7th Georgia and 2nd Louisiana Infantry, C.S.A., commanded by General J.B. Magruder is commemorated here. The defensive line extending across the Virginia Peninsula was ...

Michael Cresap


He built his house, which can be seen nearby, about 1764. A trader, he cleared wilderness and fought Indians in “Cresap’s War” in Ohio, 1774. As a Captain he led riflemen, some painted Indian-style, to Boston at the start of ...

A Great Confederate Naval Victory

On March 8, 1862, the day before her epic battle with the U.S.S. Monitor, the Confederate ironclad ram Virginia (formerly the U.S.S. Merrimack) engaged and sank in the James River two powerful Union sailing Ships of War, the U.S.S. Cumberland ...

Paw Paw

Important concentration point of the Union Army from 1861 to 1865. As many as 16,000 Federal troops were encamped here at one time. A blockhouse stood along the tracks of the B&O Railroad at this point.

Marker is at the intersection ...

Dickison and His Men / Jefferson Davis' Baggage

(Front side)

Dickison and His Men

John Jackson Dickison (1816-1902), Florida's famous Civil War guerrilla leader, bivouacked at Camp Baker, south of here, during the closing weeks of the conflict. Dickison and his men became legendary figures. As Company H, Second Florida ...

The Battle for Fox’s Gap

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”

As Confederate Gen. D.H. Hill’s division struggled to hold the gaps of South Mountain on September 14, 1862, the fighting here at Fox’s Gap raged throughout the day. About 9 a.m., Gen. ...

"Boston" Adams' House

?Confederate Gen. Price made his headquarters here the night of Oct. 22, 1864. His generals convinced him to start south but he refused to abandon his 500-wagon train of war booty. Gen. Shelby's Division camped near Forest Hill cemetery. Gen. ...
