
Results for Art

Wisconsin Purple Heart Memorial Highway

Dedicated on November 11th, 2001

This plaque marks the starting point of the Wisconsin Purple Heart Memorial Highway.

In 1994 Wisconsin's Governor Tommy G. Thompson signed into Law Wisconsin Act 347, which designated U.S. Highway 14 west from Richland Center to the ...

Baltimore Arts Tower

Once known as the Bromo Seltzer Tower, this building is a monument to Captain Isaac Emerson, the imaginative chemist who developed a famous headache remedy, and named it after Mt. Bromo - an active volcano in Java.

Emerson came to ...

Headquarters General U. S. Grant

Night of April 6, 1862.

General in his Memoirs says:

"During the night rain fell in torrents and our troops

were exposed without shelter. I made my headquarters under a tree a few hundred yards from the river bank."

The large ...

Washington’s Headquarters

On June 8, 1780 General

George Washington

established Headquarters

at this site in

Connecticut Farms (now

Union Township) after the

British and Hessian

army’s retreat of June 7.

Marker is on Stuyvesant Avenue (County Route 619), on the right when traveling south.


The Cahaba Heart River of Alabama

On Cahaba Mountain to the NW, springs form a fragile stream that grows as it carves through the steep, rocky terrain of Birmingham suburbs, flowing south on the Gulf Coastal Plain to the Alabama River, at the site of Alabama's ...

Married Officers' Quarters 8-9

This single-story duplex once served as housing for married officers and their families at Fort Clark. The U.S. Army fort, established in 1852 to defend the western frontier of Texas and the border with Mexico, saw significant growth in the ...

Officers Quarters 2-3 and 4

These two buildings date from 1854-55, soon after the U.S. Army established Fort Clark. The antebellum fort then included officers quarters and barracks for enlisted men, as well as a two-story quartermaster storehouse, powder magazine, hospital, guardhouse and post headquarters ...

The San Andreas Fault Exhibit & El Camino Real Earthquake Walk

In Celebration of the

U.S.Geological Survey's Centennial

1879 - 1979

Dedicated July 4, 1979



In Cooperation With

Old Mission San Juan Bautista-Diocese of Monterey,

U.S.Geological Survey-Department of the Interior,

California State Historical Park-San ...

Don Reno/The Blue Ridge Quartet

Don Reno

1926 - 1984

Don Reno was an immensely influential banjo player and one of the founding figures in the bluegrass movement. Born in Spartanburg, Reno recorded more than 500 songs during his career, many with collaborator Red Smiley, and is ...

Jenks and Martindale Grocery

Alfred Blacklidge was the original owner of this building. The original building burned in 1885. In the early 1900's. Blacklidge was extending credit to surrounding sharecroppers, when bad times came, forcing many of the farmers to default on their debts, ...
