
Confederate Railroad Raid

On Sunday, April 26, 1863, a detachment of Confederate Capt. John H. McNeill's partisan rangers under Col. A. W. Harman attacked the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad facilities here in Oakland. They were part of Confederate Gen. William E. ...

Reaffirming the Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe

San Antonio Express News, December 13, 1956

One of the largest demonstrations of its kind ever witnessed in Southwest Texas took place in the area surrounding San Fernando Cathedral Wednesday night. An estimated 35,000 to 40,000 Roman Catholics from 140 parishes ...

Battle of Lee’s Mill

Flames Appeared on all Sides

The fortifications that appear before you are all that remain of the extensive Confederate fortifications defending the Warwick River crossing at Lee’s Mill.

After an uneventful march up the Great Warwick Road through Young’s Mill on April ...

Monterey Harbor

? Look out upon these waters.

? Their recorded history began when Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo sighted the "Bay of Pines" on Nov. 17, 1542.

? Sebastian Viscaino was first to touch land Dec. 16, 1602. He claimed the land for Spain and ...

Chapel Point Park

Site of county recreational facilities from the early 1900s to 1962, at the confluence of the Potomac and Port Tobacco Rivers. Originally a resort for St. Thomas Manor, steamboats brought passengers from Washington DC for the day. Opened to the ...

Pontiac's War/Welsh Cemetery

Pontiac's WarMassacre of white families of Muddy Creek and of the Clendenins near here by a band of Shawnee Indians led by Chief Cornstalk, in 1763, completed the destruction of the early settlements in the Greenbrier Valley.

Welsh Cemetery ...

Forks of the Ohio Fort Pitt Blockhouse

(Right side of entrance)

Forks of the Ohio

Fort Pitt Block House

has been designated a

National Historic Landmark

This site possesses national significance

in commemorating the history of the

United States of America

(Left side of entrance)

Historic Landmark

Fort Pitt Block House

Constructed in 1764

Only Surviving Structure of Fort ...

Old County Jail

Since the formation of Mono County in 1861, six facilities have served as the county jail. This stone building was placed into service by Sheriff C.F. McKinney, Dec. 5, 1883, and became the 5th Mono County Jail. It replaced the ...

Radio Station KDKA

World's first commercial station began operating November 2, 1920, when KDKA reported Harding-Cox election returns from a makeshift studio at the East Pittsburgh Works of Westinghouse. Music, sports, talks, and special events were soon being regularly aired.

Marker can be reached ...

The Airmen

Dedicated to the Airmen who, like the stage drivers before them, challenged the elements through this pass with the pioneer spirit and courage which resulted in a vast system of airline transport known as "American Airlines".


The above inscription appears on ...
