
Results for 4th

Battery G, 4th U.S. Artillery


Battery G, 4th U.S. Artillery

Lieut. Marcus P. Miller, U.S.A. Commanding

(September 17, 1862.)

Battery G, 4th U.S. Artillery, belonged to the Artillery Reserve, which was attached to the Fifth Army Corps. On the morning of the 17th, the battery was in the ...

Battery E, 4th U.S. Artillery


Battery E, 4th U.S. Artillery.

Capt. Joseph C. Clark Jr., U.S.A. Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)

At daybreak Battery E, 4th U.S. Artillery, was in bivouac in rear of the high ground east of the Burnside Bridge. Soon after daybreak it took position on ...

104th Cavalry

This tablet erected


The Veterans Association

of the 104th Cavalry

and the active members

of the regiment

in memory of

the officers and men

who died in service

of their country

dedicated 12 June 1971

on the fiftieth anniversary

Organization of the

104th Armored Cavalry, PARNG


4th of July, 1804 Creek

July 4, 1804

William Clark recorded in his

journal that on this date,

the Corps of Discovery

"Passed a Creek 12 yrs. wide...comeing

out of an extensive Prarie reching

within 200 yeards of the river, as this

Creek has no name, and this being

the...the [sic] 4th of ...

The Bridge Over 4th of July 1804 Creek

This stream was named by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark when they stopped at the present site of Atchison, Kansas on July 4, 1804. The following is an excerpt from Clark's logbook:

" this creek has no name, and this being ...

124th New York Infantry

2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Corps

(Front):124th New York


2nd Brigade 1st Division

3rd Corps

July 2nd 1863.

(Back):The Orange Blossoms

went into action on

this spot with

18 officers and 220 men.

Lost in killed and wounded

7 officers and 85 men.


Mustered in-Sept. 5, 1862.

Total Enlistments - 1320.

Total Losses ...

4th Maine Infantry

2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Corps

(Front):4th Maine


Colonel Elijah Walker

(Left Front Facing):3d Corps. 1st Division.

2d Brigade.

(Left Rear Facing):

22 killed and died

38 wounded

56 missing

(Right Rear Facing):Erected by the

State of Maine

(Right Front Facing):In remembrance

of our casualties

July 2d, 1863

Marker is at the intersection ...

12th and 44th New York Infantry

3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps

(Front Left Side Plaque):

The 44th N.Y. Infantry, Lieut. Colonel Freeman Conner commanding, held position about 100 feet in advance of this monument, designated by a marker, from about 3 p.m. July 2, to about 11 ...

The 54th Mass. Infantry Regiment, US Colored Troops

In 1863, the 54th Massachusetts Regiment was among the first Civil War combat units open to African Americans. Troops from Pennsylvania made up more than 20 percent of the acclaimed unit. Mercersburg was second only to Philadelphia in mustering volunteers ...

14th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry

(Around Base):14. Conn.

2, Brig.

Left Centre of Regt.

3, Div.

2, A.C.(Front Plaque):The 14th Conn. Vol. Inf. left

Connecticut August 25, 1862;

was assigned to the

Army of the Potomac, Sept. 7, 1862,

and mustered out May 31, 1865.

The regiment was engaged in

34 great battles and severe ...
