
Results for Erie

Batteries 5 and 6

Fire from these positions played an important role in stopping the British attack on January 8, 1815. The cannons displayed hers represent batteries 5 and 6, which defended the center of Major general Jackson’s line. The field carriages were painted ...

The Erie Canal

For nearly a century, canal boats were pulled by mules and horse over this portion of New York State's famed Erie Canal.

One of the slowest and most crowded parts of the waterway started to the north of the Flatts at ...

Three Batteries

On the hills

back of this stone

stood three batteries

guarding this pass

1776 – 1783


Melzingah Chapter

Daughters American Revolution


Marker is on Albany Post Road (U.S. 9), on the left when traveling north.


Batteries 2 and 3

On January 8, 1815, the guns positioned here fired at British counter batteries located almost ½ mile in front of you. During the battle, these guns caused heavy casualties as the British advanced along the levee road.

The troops attacking to ...

Batteries A and C 4th U.S. Artillery


Batteries A and C 4th U.S. Artillery.

Lieut. Evan Thomas, U.S.A., Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)

Batteries A and C (consolidated), 4th U.S. Artillery (6 guns), relieved Battery I, 1st U.S. Artillery just north of this point and went into position, the left of ...

Deep Cut at the Licking Summit / Millersport and the Ohio-Erie C

Side A:

Deep Cut at the Licking Summit

Digging of the Ohio-Erie Canal began in 1825, and the first canal boat navigated the Deep Cut at Licking Summit in 1831. The surrounding swamps were drained to create the Licking Reservoir, today known ...

Post Rock Limestone and the Czechoslovakian Immigrant Experience

Innovative use of native Dakota sandstone, a unique geological formation found only in this region, by pioneer Czech settlers can still be seen in our fencelines, farmsteads, civic & vernacular architecture, bridges, backroads, & byways.

Marker is on Main Street near ...

Erie Canal Enlargement

Begun in the 1830's and enlarged to 70'x 56'x 7'. The improvement included double and larger locks and the capacity of handling more traffic. The enlargement was used until 1918 when the barge canal opened and horse-drawn boats became a ...

Fort Erie, Pro Patria Mori Cairn

[Text on the base of the Cairn];

Here are buried

150 British Officers and Men

Who fell in the attack on Fort Erie

On the 26th day of August, 1814, and three

of the defenders, men of the United States

Infantry, whose remains were discovered

during the ...

Chapman’s, Jackson’s, and Lurty’s Virginia Batteries


Protecting much of the Confederate army were seven artillery pieces, all of which were placed above the highway. Both smoothbore and rifled cannon were present and blocked efforts by the Union army to advance up the main road. However, the ...
