
Results for First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church

First Church in Galveston

Organized New Year's Day, 1840, in the "Academy," an old building on the northwest corner of this intersection. Rev. John McCullough, church organizer, became pastor.

Original building was finished 1843; present structure started 1872; completed 1889. ...

First Presbyterian Church

Built by public subscription as a place of divine worship for inhabitants of St. Marys and its vicinity. Reverend Horace Southworth Pratt was ordained and installed as the first pastor by the Presbytery of Georgia in June, 1822.

Incorporated under ...

First Presbyterian Church / Church Leaders

First Presbyterian Church

This church was begun in 1854 as Antioch Chapel of

Ebenezer Church under the leadership of Rev. John

G. Richards, on land of the Steeles and Workmans,

3 mi. south of Rock Hill. Mission moved in 1858 to

this site, obtained from ...

First Presbyterian Church


Organized Sept. 23, 1837 on land given by J. N. Whitner. First frame structure was built in 1839. Anderson's first cemetery is here, and city's first Sunday School was organized here about 1855. Present sanctuary's cornerstone was laid in ...

First Presbyterian Church


First Presbyterian Church was organized April 13, 1824, by Scots-Irish settlers. The sanctuary, erected in 1827, is the oldest in continuous use in Alabama. Its Georgian Gothic style remains essentially unchanged. The brick walls are laid in Flemish Bond ...

First Presbyterian Church of Peoria


Pioneers from Peoria, Illinois, settled here in 1886. Others followed, and on April 10, 1892 the Peoria First Presbyterian congregation was chartered. In 1899 parishioners erected this red-brick Gothic Revival church, with arched stained geometric glass windows. It has been ...

First Presbyterian Church

Meeting House on the Square

Many of the early settlers of Pennsylvania were Scots-Irish who brought with them their Presbyterian faith. By the early 1730's they were settling the Cumberland Valley, including the fertile land near the Conodoguinet Creek. In ...

First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church was organized in 1839 by Scottish-Irish settlers. Built in 1845, the sanctuary is the original church structure. According to local tradition, the church bell, cast in 1851 by the Andrew Meneely and Sons Foundry of West Troy, ...
