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MHHM-42 Marcus Daly Mansion

Secondary 269 (Eastside Highway), MP2, north of Hamilton


Hamilton’s Daly Mansion was a summer retreat for Butte’s “Copper Kind” Marcus Daly and his wife, Margaret. Daly came to the United States as a poor Irish immigrant at age 15. ...

MHHM-43 Ross' Hole

US 93, Mile Post 13, South of Sula


Alexander Ross, of the Hudson Bay Company, with 55 Indian and white trappers, 89 women and children and 392 horses, camped near here on March 12, 1824 en route from Spokane ...

MHHM-44 Lewis & Clark Meet the Salish

US 93, Mile Post 13, South of Sula

There are four panels at the overlook site.


1) Lewis & Clark Encounter the Bitterroot Salish Indians

     On September 4, 1805, 33 cold, wet and hungry members of the ...

LC -1-5 Descent Trail


LC - 1-4 Descent Trail


LC 1-3 Descent Trail


LC 1-2 Descent Trail


LC 1-1 Descent Trail - The Corps begins the descent: Cold, hungry and tired.

Mockersons froze hard, ascended a mountain without anything to eat. " We (be) scendad down a fough rockey way".

Plaza de Las Islas

The Plaza de Las Islas was the traditional heart of the City of San Antonio. It represented the center of the early community with the cathedral, government buildings, and commercial structures radiating from its center.

As the city grew in ...

La Villita

La Villita (“little village”) has long been a fixture community within San Antonio. Settled most likely by squatters with no legal title to land during the 18th century, La Villita was a valuable farming area adjacent to the San Antonio ...
