
Results for The Railroad

The Underground Railroad and Precursors to War

Among the events in the 1850s that helped drive the nation into civil war, the Christiana Riot put a controversial new law to a bloody test. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 ordered federal officers to arrest suspected runaway slaves; ...

The Centreville Confederate Military Railroad

These are the remains of the Centreville Confederate Military Railroad built in the fall and early winter of 1861 for the purpose of transporting supplies to the field armies of Generals Pierre G. T. Beauregard and Joseph Johnston. The railroad ...

The "Pea Vine"A Ghost Railroad / Parsons A Railroad Town


The "Pea Vine" A Ghost Railroad

In 1886, Tennessee Midland Railway Company was chartered to build a railroad from Memphis to Virginia. By 1889, 135.6 miles of track were completed to Perryville where it ended for lack of funds. In 1892, ...

The Gettysburg and Harrisburg Railroad Depot

This building, completed in April 1884, served the new Gettysburg and Harrisburg Railroad Company, which sought to take advantage of the growing interest in the Gettysburg Battlefield. From here visitors could continue with a 2 1/2 mile tour across the ...

The Great Railroad Era

Historic Wayside Tour #10

The railroad era began in the eastern part of the United States in the 1830's when the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad opened with thirteen miles of track. Most of the lines were built in the Northeast and ...

The Underground Railroad / The Underground Railroad in Pickaway

The Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad was neither underground nor a railroad, but a system of loosely connected safe havens where those escaping the brutal conditions of slavery were sheltered, fed, clothed, nursed, concealed, disguised, and instructed during their journey to ...

The Railroad & The Vernoy Quarry

The High Bridge Branch of the Central Railroad of New Jersey

Opened in July 1876, the High Bridge Branch was once a busy railroad owned by the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey. It was built to bring iron ore ...

The Wright House and the Underground Railroad/Old Main Street

The Wright House and the Underground Railroad

In the early 1800s, Jabez Wright, an early Huron County judge, purchased a large tract of lakeside land on the north side of what is now Cleveland Road. There Wright built an eight-room farmhouse ...

Muskingum River Underground Railroad / Marietta Leaders of the U

Muskingtum River Underground Railroad

People living in Marietta and along the Muskingum River shared a history of slavery opposition. Manasseh Cutler, from Massachusetts and an Ohio Land Company agent, helped draft the Ordinance of 1787 that prohibited slavery in the Northwest ...

The Spotting Tower and Railroad Warehousing

Ridgefield, Connecticut

The Small, White Octagonal Building on the corner was originally built as a boathouse on the estate of F.E. Lewis. It was moved behind the high school on East Ridge during World War II, and used as a ...
