The Pinery

Ruins of

"The Pinery" or

"Pine Spring" stage stand

Built in 1858 as a station on the Butterfield overland mail route St. Louis to San Francisco · Abandoned in 1859, when the line was shifted to the Davis Mountain route.

Marker is on U.S. ...

Roxbury WW II Veterans Marker

In memory of

those who served

in World War II


Roxbury, Conn.

Killed In Action

David A. Barker • Harold C. Collins • Paul C. MacDonald


James M. Acton, Jr. • James McK. Beatty • Harold Beers • ...

Arthur Prysock / Ira Tucker

Arthur Prysock


Arthur Prycock was a prolific jazz crooner born in Spartanburg. Getting his start with Buddy Johnson's jazz orchestra in 1944, Prysock's rich baritone voice found its way onto nearly 60 albums.

A highly adaptable performer, his popular recordings included blues ...

Birthplace of the American League

The Republican House, a hotel that stood on this site from 1886 to 1961, was the birthplace of baseball’s American League. On the night of March 5, 1900, Milwaukee attorney Henry Killilea, his brother Matt, Connie Mack, Byron (Ban) Johnson, ...

Rev. James Milton Webb

Born October 2, 1802, a Baptist minister; first moderator of the Green River Baptist Association.

He built this house known as "The Webb House" in 1825; served in the House of Commons; Clerk of Superior Court; published a Rutherford County newspaper.

Gardner ...

Stoneman's Raid

On a raid across western N.C. Gen. A. C. Gillem led part of Stoneman's U.S. cavalry through this vicinity, March 28, 1865.

Marker is at the intersection of Elkin Highway (North Carolina Route 268) and White Plains Road, on the right ...

Searls Law Office

This building, completed December, 1872, was the law office for three generations of this family. Niles Searls, who arrived in 1851, practiced law here from 1872 to 1885. He had been elected District Attorney in 1855, then District Judge for ...

Fort Bingamon

Near this fort, established as defense against Indians, stood Samuel Bingamon's cabin. His home attacked and his wife wounded, Bingamon single-handed shot and clubbed to death all but one of a party of seven Indians.

Marker is on U.S. 220, on ...

Old Judy Church

Oldest log church building in Pendleton Co. Built in 1848 of hewn white pine logs cut nearby. Served as Methodist Episcopal Church until 1910 when abandoned. Used as community center since rededication in 1936.

Marker is on U.S. 220, on the ...

Billy Mitchell

Brigadier general of the Army Air Service, demonstrated air power by bombing battleships off coast, Sept. 5, 1923. Landing field was here.

Marker is on State Highway 12, on the right when traveling south.

