
Results for Art

Arthur St. Clair's Headquarters

Gen. Arthur St. Clair

First Governor

of the N.W. Territory,

had his headquarters here,

1800 - 1802

Marker is at the intersection of Water Street and Mulberry Street, on the left when traveling east on Water Street.


North Carolina School of the Arts

Est. 1963; opened 1965. First state-supported school for performing arts in U.S. A campus of The University of North Carolina since 1971.

Marker is at the intersection of South Main Street and Giannini Drive, on the left when traveling south on ...

Lee's Headquarters

Lee's headquarters from the latter part of June, 1864 to September, 1864 were here.

Marker is at the intersection of Jefferson Davis Highway (U.S. 1 / 301) and Arlington Avenue, on the right when traveling north on Jefferson Davis Highway.

Courtesy ...

Stuart's Cavalry Division


Stuart's Cavalry Division.

Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, Commanding.

September 16-19, 1862

On the night of the 16th, Fitzhugh Lee's Brigade of Stuart's Division was in position behind the hill about 650 yards northwest of this point, supporting the horse artillery and extending the ...

Hampton's Brigade, Stuart's Cavalry Division


Hampton's Brigade, Stuart's Cavalry Division.

Brig. Gen. Wade Hampton, Commanding.


1st North Carolina Cavalry,

2nd Carolina Cavalry,

Cobb's Legion, Georgia Cavalry

Jeff. Davis Legion.

September 17-18, 1862.

Hampton's Brigade reached the field on Sept. 17 and took position on the left of Jackson's Command. Occupying with Lee's ...

Lee's Brigade, Stuart's Cavalry Division


Lee's Brigade, Stuart's Cavalry Division,

Brig. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, Commanding.


1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 9th Virginia Cavalry.

(September 15-19, 1862.)

The 3rd, 4th and 9th Virginia Cavalry of Lee's Brigade reached the field late in the after noon of the 15th and took ...

The John Martin Shuford Gravesite

Buried here is Loyalist John Martin Shuford who died June 22, 1780 of wounds received in the Battle of Ramsour's Mill. His grave was originally marked with an old headstone and footstone. In 1997 the Lincoln County Historical Association and ...

The Rev. Thomas Barton

Memorial Stone to

The Rev. Thomas Barton

1730 – 1780

British Missionary who served for 19 years with distinction as third rector of St. James Church 1759-1778. True to his ordination vows, he remained loyal to the Crown during the American Revolution. Political ...

First Park Headquarters

This log structure was built in 1930 to serve as headquarters for the Battlefield Parks Corporation. This private organization comprise of Richmond citizens, worked to preserve and protect Civil War battlefields around the city. In 1927 the corporation purchased acreage ...

Artillery at Petersburg

"The campaign became quite scientific, so that after the first few weeks, we learned to tell by the sound the nature of every missile that passed over us, and knew which ones to dodge. The mortar shells had the most ...
