Captain Henry Wirz

1823 - 1865

Captain Henry Wirz, under the immediate command of Brigadier-General John H. Winder, C.S.A., absent on sick leave, August 1864, commanded the inner prison at Camp Sumter, April 12, 1864 to May 7, 1865. To the best of his ...

Soapstone Boulder

On this ancient soapstone boulder are two partially carved soapstone bowls, made by Native Americans around 5,000 years ago. The bowls were rough-shaped with flint chisels and then broken off before doing the final shaping. This boulder was brought to ...

Point Cabrillo Light Station

The Point Cabrillo Light Station was built in 1908 by the US Lighthouse Service to protect the "Doghole Schooners" that plied the lumber trade between San Francisco and the Redwood Coast. These steam ships and sailing vessels were known for ...


This is Darien, in the heart of the historic Altamaha delta region. Settled in 1736, by Scottish Highlanders under John McIntosh Mohr, it was named for the ill-fated settlement on the Isthmus of Panama. The first military parade in Georgia ...

Harding Birthplace

Warren G. Harding, 29th President of the United States was born on this site November 2, 1865.

Marker is on Ohio Route 97 0.2 miles east of Williamsport-Bloomingrove Road (County Route 20), on the left when traveling east.


Glen Canyon Dam

Colorado River Storage Project

Dedicated by

the First Lady

Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson

September 22, 1966

United States Department of the Interior

Stewart L. Udall, Secretary

Bureau of Reclamation

Floyd E. Dominy, Commissioner

[The following marker is inside the

Powerplant Gallery area]

Lake Powell

Major John Wesley Powell led scientific exploration parties ...

Herman Davis

Pvt. Co. I 113th Inf.

Enlisted March 14th 1918; Honorably discharged May 29th 1919

Cited for bravery for extraordinary heroism in action and decorated with:

U.S. Distinguished Service Cross: Oct. 10th 1918

French Croix de Guerre with Palm: Apr. 19th 1919

Gilt Star for Croix ...

Appalachian State University

Est. 1899 as Watauga

Academy by B.B. and D.D.

Dougherty. A campus of

The University of North

Carolina since 1972.

Marker is on Blowing Rock Road (U.S. 321/221) just south of Pine Street, on the right when traveling south.


Civilian Conservation Corps

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt established the Civilian Conservation Corps on March 31, 1933, to provide employment for America's youth and promote the nation's economic recovery. The CCC's work involved conservation projects on forest, park and farm lands, resulting in new ...

Highland County / Augusta County

Area 422 Square Miles / Area 1006 Square Miles

Highland County. Formed in 1847 from Pendleton and Bath, and given its name because of its mountains. The Battle of McDowell, 1862, was fought in this county.

Augusta County. Formed in 1738 from ...
