Turbine Runner

This stainless steel turbine runner was removed in 1989 from the Bureau of Reclamation's Crystal Dam Powerplant in Montrose, Colorado. Weighing about 8½ metric tons, it is the rotating part of a Francis-type reaction turbine (named after its invenor James ...

Emigrant Gap

The spring of 1845 saw the first covered wagons to surmount the Sierra Nevada Mountains. They left this valley, ascended to the ridge and turned westward to Old Emigrant Gap. The wagons were lowered by ropes to the floor of ...

Stoneman's Raid

On a Raid through Western

North Carolina Gen.

Stoneman's U.S. Cavalry

Passed through Blowing

Rock March 28, 1865

Marker is on Valley Boulevard (U.S. 321).


Vance Theophilus James

a.k.a. Captain David

Vance Theophilus James, known as "Captain David," was born June 20, 1918 in the fishing village of Dieppe Bay, St. Ketts.

After having worked as a cane cutter and fisherman, he first started sailing on the Lady Kate, and ...

Dutch Flat

Founded in the Spring of 1861 by Joseph and Charles Dornbach. From 1854 to 1882 it was noted for its rich hydraulic mines. In 1860 had the largest voting population in Placer County. Chinese inhabitants numbered about 2,000. Here Theodore ...

Col. Crawford

In Memory of


Memory of

Col. Crawford

Who was

Burned by the Indians

In this Valley

June 11, 1782

Marker is on Township Highway 300 0.2 miles north of County Route 29, on the right when traveling north.


Nevada County War & Veterans Memorial

Memorial Grove

Memorial Grove

This plot of land set aside by the City of Nevada. These trees living tributes to our war dead.

This plaque and flagpole erected by the citizens of Nevada City dedicated July 4, 1946 to the ...

The Battle of New Market

The Battle of New Market was fought here Sunday morning, May 15, 1864. The Confederates under Gen. J. C. Breckinridge were victorious over the Federals under Gen. Franz Sigel. The decisive incident of the battle was the heroic capture of ...

Battle of Port Royal

On the morning of November 7, 1861, Du Pont's flagship, the Wabash led the fleet into action. As the Union vessels near the sound Confederate batteries at Forts Walker and Beauregard opened fire. Du Pont, having sent ships to test ...

First Seventh Day Baptist Church of Hopkinton


Seventh Day Baptists, members of a church of like faith in Newport, Rhode Island until 1708, first worshipped in this community in 1672. The first meeting house was built in 1680. The nearby-by church, which replaced the original building, was ...
