
Results for Art

Battery F, 5th U.S. Artillery


Battery F, 5th U.S. Artillery.

Lieut. Leonard Martin, U.S.A., Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)

Early in the morning of the 17th, Battery F, 5th U.S. Artillery, generally known as Ayers' Battery, moved with Smith's Division, Sixth Army Corps, from its bivouac in Pleasant Valley ...

William Barthman Jeweler

Exploring Downtown

174 Broadway

A century ago the glittering heart of the city’s diamond, jewelry and watchmaker district beat right here. “Within these stores,” wrote the Daily Graphic in 1876, “are diamonds as bright as the eyes of the ancient Dutch beauties.” ...

An Uneasy Partnership

The Battle of the Wilderness

At the battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Court House, Grant would not only struggle against Lee’s army, but also against the conservative, sometimes timid, methods of the Union Army of the Potomac. George G. Meade, ...

Grant’s Headquarters

The Battle of the Wilderness

On May 5, 1864, this knoll was bordered by a second growth of scraggly pines and scrub oak. From here Grant and Meade could see little of the battle. Instead, they relied on subordinates to keep ...

6th Independent Battery, New York Artillery

1st Brigade Horse Artillery

(Around the Base):6th Independent Battery

New York Artillery

1st Brig. Horse Artillery

Cavalry Corps

(back):Occupied this position

July 3rd, 1863.

Mustered into service

June 15th, 1861.

Mustered out of service

July 8th, 1865.

Marker is on Taneytown Road (State Highway 134), on the right when traveling south. ...


The beautiful city of Carthage was laid out, 1842, as the seat of Jasper County, organized, 1841, and named for Sgt. William Jasper, Revolutionary hero. Centered in a county of great mineral wealth and good farm land, Carthage grew into ...

Wartime Landscape

The road trace in front of you is the remnant of the Richmond-Lynchburg Stage Road – on April 9, 1865, the most important road in Virginia to Robert E. Lee. Along this road he planned to escape west, hoping eventually ...

Timothy and Katherine McCarthy House

Conover and Porter, Architects

This home is an exceptional example of the Free-Classic subtype of the Queen Anne style which was at the height of local popularity between 1880 and 1910. The Queen Anne style was derived from England and architects' ...

Lee’s Last Headquarters

A short distance inside these woods stood Robert E. Lee’s last headquarters. Here on April 8, 1865, he held his final council of war. Here on April 10 he issued his farewell order to his army. And from here, on ...

José Martí

( Spanish )

Desde esta escalinata

En el Año 1893

José Martí

Apóstol de la Libertad

de Cuba

Con elocuentes palabras

pidió a los tabaqueros

Cubanos emigrados que le

ayudasen a conquistar la

independencia de su país,

aportando hombres, armas

y dinero.

Muchos obreros cambiaron

la chaveta por el machete

y otros donaron centenares

de miles ...
