
Results for B

Anderson Boys' High School

This archway

formerly stood at the

entrance to

Anderson Boys'

High School

"Home of the Yellow Jackets"

Anderson Boys' High School

was located on this site.

The school educated many of

our city's young men from

the year 1923 until ...

Robert Alphonso Taft

"Mr. Republican"

Son of William Howard Taft


Ohio House of Representatives


Ohio Senate


United States Senator from Ohio

1939-1953Jacques Lipchitx - Sculptor

Gift of the Thomas J. Emery Memorial Foundation

Marker can be reached from Auburn Avenue.


Auburn Avenue

1830 - 1900

In 1819, the first known residents of the Mt. Auburn hilltop were wealthy families who built country estates. After 1849, when Mt. Auburn was annexed to Cincinnati, it continued to grow as a residential suburb. Prominent businessmen ...

William Howard Taft / Robert Alphonso Taft


William Howard Taft

Born here on September 15, 1857, William Howard Taft is the only American to have served as President and Chief Justice of the United States. His unique career of public service began after he graduated from ...

Bigelow Church


has been placed on the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior

Marker is at the intersection of Washington Street and 5th Street, on the left when traveling north on Washington Street.


Fancher Pony Truss Bridge

Hiram B. Trout and his brother, Everett Trout, were born on a farm about five miles north of this location. They operated a machine shop in Shelbyville, Illinois in the late 1800’s at which in time they invented and patented ...

Embassy of Canada, Washington, DC


On April 28, 1988, the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada, dedicated this building to peace and friendship between Canada and the United-States .

Le 28 Avril 1988, le Très Honorable Brian Mulroney, Premier Ministre du Canada, ...

Bertie Street Ferry Landing

c. 1796 - 1950

Over the centuries there have been many ferry landings along the Niagara River. Some were built by local merchants and some as government licenced landing points.

The longest operating ferry dock was here, near the foot of present-day ...

Here Stood the Big Elm

Here Stood the Big Elm

For many years the largest

in Massachusetts

Under its spreading branches

historic meetings were held

This tablet erected on the Centennial

of the planting of the Sheffield Elms

June 12, 1946

Marker is at the intersection of South Main Street (U.S. 7) and ...

Stockbridge Vietnam War Monument

Vietnam War

Peter A. Acly • Donald A. Beebe, Jr. • Bruce J. Brazee • Dighton M. Brazee, III • Gary A. Brazee • Robert J. Brazee • George Brazie • Charles T. Bryden • Barry B. Bunnell • Michael Burow ...
