
Results for 54th

Robert Shaw's 54th Colored Regiment

The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was the first all African American regiment to serve in the United States military. This was all made possible by Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. The regiment came out of Boston, but very few of the ...

54th Ohio Infantry - 55th Illinois Infantry

Stuart's Brigade - Sherman's Division


Army of the Tennessee.

54th Ohio, 55th Illinois,

Stuart's (2d) Brigade,

Sherman's (5th) Division.

These regiments were engaged here at 10 a.m. April 7, 1862. They advanced on the left of the 3d Division 3/4 of a mile where they ...

Whilden House / 54th Massachusetts Regiment


The Whilden House

Elias Whilden, planter and mayor (1857-1858), built his home c. 1840. Five sons fought for the Confederacy, including John Marshall Whilden. John was Captain of the Citadel cadets who fired on the steamer, The Star of ...

54th New York Infantry

1st Brigade, 1st Division

(Front):54th Regt. N.Y. Infy.

(Hiram Barney Rifles)

1st. Brig. 1st. Div.

11th. Corps.

(Back):54th Regt. N.Y. Infantry

July 1st

skirmishing on extreme right

near Rock Creek,

July 2nd

at sunset,

severe fighting in this position,

July 3rd

held same position,


killed 7, wounded 47, missing 48,

total loss 102.

Cross Keys, Cedar ...

The 54th Mass. Infantry Regiment, US Colored Troops

In 1863, the 54th Massachusetts Regiment was among the first Civil War combat units open to African Americans. Troops from Pennsylvania made up more than 20 percent of the acclaimed unit. Mercersburg was second only to Philadelphia in mustering volunteers ...

154th New York State Volunteer Infantry


1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 11th Corps

"The Hardtack Regiment"

Anchor of the Buschbeck Line

Near Dowdall's Tavern

Battle of Chancellorsville

May 2, 1863


590 present for duty

240 killed, wounded, and captured

Dedicated to the memory of the regiment

by its descendants

May 1996

Marker is on Germanna Highway (State ...

54th & 55th Massachusetts Infantry


U.S. Colored Troops, 54th & 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiments and other Colored Civil War Soldiers buried here.

[List of Veterans]

World War I

[List of Veterans]


54th Infantry - 55th Infantry - 5th Cavalry

Massachusetts Volunteer Militia

54th Infantry

55th Infantry

5th Cavalry

Massachusetts Volunteer Militia


"With Malice toward None, with Charity for All."

Dedicated to

the African-American troops

who trained here and

distinguished themselves in the

Civil War, and to those who

continue to fight for equal

rights and equal justice

Marker is at the intersection ...

54th Pennsylvania Monument

Erected to the memory of the heroic dead of the 54th Regiment, Pennsylvania Veterans Volunteer Infantry, who gave their lives in defence of their country. 1861–1865.

(brass tablet at base) At ceremonies conducted 16 September 1984, title to this monument was ...

54th Ohio Infantry

Stuart's Brigade - Sherman's Division

U. S.

54th Ohio Infantry,

Stuart's (2d) Brig., Sherman's (5th) Div.,

Army of the Tennessee.

This regiment formed here at 10 a.m. April 6, 1862 with two companies beyond Locust Grove Creek as skirmishers.

The regiment was attacked by Chalmers' brigade ...
