
Results for Army Camp

British Army Camp

Site of British Army camp before crossing Hudson. Later occupied by General Fellows' Continentals

Marker is on Dix Bridge Rd (County Route 70) just from County Route 113, on the right when traveling east.


Army Camp at Goffs

Desert Training Center

The U. S. Army maintained a camp at Goffs 1942-1944. Goffs was an important railhead, supply point, hospital, and for three months in 1942 Headquarters of the 7th Infantry Division. That unit went on to distinguish itself in ...

Continental Army Encampment at Morristown

1777 1781

The Artillery Park

The artillery under Gen. Henry Knox and the artificers under Col. Jeduthan Baldwin were encamped on this hillside during 1779-80. The soldiers were housed in huts. The guns were parked along this road. The horses were pastured ...

Continental Army Encampment at Morristown

1777 1781

The Artillery Park

The artillery under Gen. Henry Knox and the artificers under Col. Jeduthan Baldwin were encamped on this hillside during 1779-80. The soldiers were housed in huts. The guns were parked along this road. The horses were pastured ...

Continental Army Encampment

1779 - - - 1780

Brig. Gen. Henry Knoxin command of the artillery of the Continental Army used the field now covered by these ponds as pasture for the artillery horses. His soldiers lived in log huts erected on the hillside ...

44th National Encampment Grand Army of the Republic

From September 19 to 24 1910, about 45 years after the last shot of the Civil War was fired, the 44th National Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) Encampment(convention) was held in Atlantic City. The G.A.R., a Union (Northern) Civil ...

Campsite of Union Army


The Union Army of 65,000 men under the command of General Wm. T. Sherman left Atlanta on November 15, 1864. Only the left wing of 30,000 men entered Milledgeville. The advance units arrived here on the 22nd. The right wing ...

Continental Army Encampment

1779 - - - 1780

Brig. Gen. Henry Knoxin command of the artillery of the Continental Army used the field now covered by these ponds as pasture for the artillery horses. His soldiers lived in log huts erected on the hillside ...

Encampment of Coxey's Army (1894)

In the wake of the economic "Panic of 1893", social reformer Jacob Coxey and his "Army of the Commonwealth," consisting of approximately 500 unemployed workers, marched from Ohio to Washington, D.C., to demonstrate at the Capitol for unemployment relief. Following ...

Continental Army Encampments at Morristown

1777 1781

Life Guard Camp

On this site the Commander in Chief’s Guard was encamped from December 1779 to June 1780. The Guard was reorganized in Morristown during the first encampment in 1777 and again in 1780. Washington made his headquarters in ...
