
Results for Artillery Park

Park of Artillery

Artillery Brigade Cantonment

commanded by General Henry

Knox hutted near this site

during second winter encamp-

ment of Continental Army in

1779 – 1780.

Morris County Heritage Commission

Marker is on Mendham Avenue (County Route 510), on the right when traveling west.


Crown Forces Artillery Park

When Burgoyne ordered his army into retreat, the Crown Forces Artillery Park – located on the flat area below and to your right – became a scene of frantic activity. The artillery equipment assembled there – larger field guns and ...

The Washington Artillery Park

[Panel 1]:

On and near this site since 1718 has centered the military activities of both regular and citizen soldiers of France, Spain, the Confederacy and the United States. On either side were the redoubts forming the “Great Battery” which ...

Artillery Park

Some redoubts and earthworks went unarmed. Most cannons at Valley Forge were kept in the Artillery Park near the center of the encampment. From here guns could be rushed to the point of attack.

The Artillery Park gave the Americans a ...

French Artillery Park

Cannon were repaired and stored here. The time-worn earthworks visible on each side of the road were for protection, probably built by the French soldiers who operated the “Park.”

Marker is on Historical Tour Drive, on the right when traveling north. ...

French Artillery Park

This was an open field when the French wing established its ordinance depot. Here incoming cannon, howitzers, mortars, and their accouterments were made ready to move up to their siege line. Damaged pieces were brought back to the park for ...

Artillery Park


Along this site in July, 1759,

British forces under Amherst

erected an artillery battery

to attack the French Fort at

Carillon, which they seized

and named Fort Ticonderoga.

Marker is on The Portage, on the right when traveling south.

