
Results for Batteries C

Confederate Forts & Batteries

About 1 1/4 mi. NE, now under water, a redoubt housed mainland defense headquarters for Island No. 10. It was flanked by Batteries 2, 3, 4 & 5. commanding the river. Successfully withstanding bombardment for two weeks, these and the ...

Confederate Water Batteries

The earthen structure nearby, ¾ mile in length, was constructed by the Confederates by order of General Gideon Pillow in July, 1861. Designed to hold 40 artillery pieces, the water batteries were the major works which prevented the passage of ...

Batteries C & F, Pennsylvania Independent Light Artillery

C & F

Indp't Penn'a


Position occuped

Indp't Pa. Art'y F

Hampton's Battery

July 3rd A.D. 1863

Organized at Pittsburg Pa

Oct. 8th 1861

Mustered out of United States Service

June 24th 1865

On this field the following members ...

Batteries B & L, Second U.S. Artillery

First Brigade - Horse Artillery - Cavalry Corps

Army of the Potomac

Cavalry Corps

First Brigade Horse Artillery

Batteries B & L Second U.S. Artillery

Six 3 inch Rifles

Lieut. Edward Heaton Commanding

July 2 Arrived near the battlefield at ...

Batteries C and G, 3d U.S. Artillery


Batteries C and G, 3d U.S. Artillery.

Captain Horatio G. Gibson, U.S.A. Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)

Horse Batteries C and G (Consolidated), 3d U.S. Artillery, crossed the Antietam in the forenoon of September 17, and went into position a short distance south of ...

Batteries A and C 4th U.S. Artillery


Batteries A and C 4th U.S. Artillery.

Lieut. Evan Thomas, U.S.A., Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)

Batteries A and C (consolidated), 4th U.S. Artillery (6 guns), relieved Battery I, 1st U.S. Artillery just north of this point and went into position, the left of ...

Chapman’s, Jackson’s, and Lurty’s Virginia Batteries


Protecting much of the Confederate army were seven artillery pieces, all of which were placed above the highway. Both smoothbore and rifled cannon were present and blocked efforts by the Union army to advance up the main road. However, the ...

Batteries B & L, Second U.S. Artillery

First Brigade - Horse Artillery - Cavalry Corps

Army of the Potomac

Cavalry Corps

First Brigade Horse Artillery

Batteries B & L Second U.S. Artillery

Six 3 inch Rifles

Lieut. Edward Heaton Commanding

July 2 Arrived at 5.30 A.M. In ...
