
Results for Battle Field

Bear Paw National Historic Battlefield

After staying ahead of the military for five months and 1,...


Laurel to Canyon Creek Battlefield

The main body of Nez Perce was moving up Canyon Creek whil...


Results for Battle Field

Bear Paw National Historic Battlefield

After staying ahead of the military for five months and 1,170 miles, months in which they had crossed mountains, suffered hardship, and lost many friends and relatives, approximately 700 Nez Perce made a final camp on Snake Creek, south of ...

Laurel to Canyon Creek Battlefield

The main body of Nez Perce was moving up Canyon Creek while their scouts watched from the top of the bluffs as they passed. The warriors who had been in the vicinity of what is now Billings, Montana, were returning ...

Big Hole Battlefield to Skinner Meadows

"A Rifle Shot At First Light"

“That night the warriors paraded about camp, singing, ...

Clearwater Battlefield, Idaho

By July 7, five “non-treaty” bands had gathered at this site near the South Fork of the Clearwater along Cottonwood Creek: Chief Looking Glass’s Band, Chief Joseph’s Wallowa Band,Husishusis ...

Richmond National Battlefield Park

Richmond National Battlefield Park consists of several separate Civil War battlefields east and south of Richmond. Richmond stood as the capital of the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865. The city also became the industrial and political center of the fledgling ...

New Market Battlefield Park

has been registered as a




pursuant to the authority vested in the

Virginia Historic Landmarks Commission

Act of 1966

[ Lower Marker : ]

This property has been

placed on the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior

Marker is on George R. Collins Parkway ...

Battle Field


Battle of Johnstown fought

Oct. 25, 1781. American

forces led by Col. Willett

British forces under Maj.

Ross and Capt. Butler.


Fulton Co. 1975

Marker is on Johnson Ave., on the right when traveling north.


Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park

Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is situated on granite hills covered with conifer and hardwood forests and streams. The 2,884-acre park is located northwest of downtown Atlanta. The park preserves a Civil War battleground of the Atlanta Campaign, during which ...

Petersburg National Battlefield

Beginning on June 15, 1864, less than three miles east of where you are standing, 18,000 Union troops attacked the Confederate line of defensive fortifications surrounding the city. When all attempts to take the city by direct assault failed by ...

To the Battlefield

?   1777

Marker is at the intersection of New York Route 32 and Lohnes Road, on the left when traveling south on State Route 32.
