
Results for Battlefield Park

Richmond National Battlefield Park

Richmond National Battlefield Park consists of several separate Civil War battlefields east and south of Richmond. Richmond stood as the capital of the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865. The city also became the industrial and political center of the fledgling ...

New Market Battlefield Park

has been registered as a




pursuant to the authority vested in the

Virginia Historic Landmarks Commission

Act of 1966

[ Lower Marker : ]

This property has been

placed on the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior

Marker is on George R. Collins Parkway ...

Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park

Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is situated on granite hills covered with conifer and hardwood forests and streams. The 2,884-acre park is located northwest of downtown Atlanta. The park preserves a Civil War battleground of the Atlanta Campaign, during which ...

Dade Battlefield State Park

Every January, under the oaks of Dade Battlefield State Park, history lovers gather to commemorate the battle that started the Second Seminole War, the most protracted and costly of the nation's Indian wars.

On December 28, 1835, Indian warriors ambushed 108 ...

Natural Bridge Battlefield Historic State Park

Natural Bridge is the site of the second largest Civil War battle in Florida, and where the St. Marks River drops into a sinkhole and flows underground for one-quarter of a mile before reemerging.

In March 1865, a Union force ...

Olustee Battlefield State Park

This park commemorates the site of Florida's largest Civil War battle, which took place February 20, 1864. A Union force of approximately 5,200 troops under the command of General Truman A. Seymour marched westward to meet a Confederate force led ...

Monmouth Battlefield State Park

The Battle of Monmouth

During the afternoon of Sunday, June 28, 1778, the hills and meadows in front of you disappeared under clouds of gun smoke.

When the firing subsided, over 600 men were dead, dying or wounded, and the Continental Army ...

Battlefield Park

The original 10 acres of Battlefield Park were purchased in 1908 by the Prairie Grove chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and maintained by the U.D.C. for nearly 50 years as a memorial park. From 1886 to 1926 ...

Newtown Battlefield State Park

Revolutionary War Heritage Trail

The climactic battle of the Sullivan-Clinton campaign occurred here as approximately 5,000 soldiers defeated a British force of Native Americans, Loyalists, and regulars.

Marker is on Newtown Reservation Road.


Welcome to Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Park

The only battle fought on Vermont soil during the American Revolution took place on these fields. Viewed as a rear guard action, this battle was important because it slowed the progress of the British and German pursuers long enough for ...
