
Results for Camp Washington

George Washington Encampment

1779 – 1912

In this field, General George Washington encamped for a night on a march from Newburg to Morristown in 1779 to meet General Lafayette.

With him was an aide, Lieutenant John Kays of Sussex County, a soldier of the American ...

Washington Camp Ground

Dedicated a historic site in 1889 by citizens of the community to memorialize the encampment of Washington’s Army in 1777 and from Nov. 1778 to June 1779.

The Middlebrook encampment in New Jersey entered the National Register of Historic Places July ...

Camp Washington

Commemorating the establishing

of Camp Washington

by Governor Isaac I. Stevens

on the site

in front of this monument

where he and Gen'l then

Captain George B McClellan

and their military

and engineering forces met

and camped from

October 17th to 30th 1853

Marker is on Coulee Hite Road, on the ...

Washington’s Encampment

This property on lot 13 in the 1727 division of the Kakiat Patent was part of the DeClark farm from which the name Clarkstown originated.

In August 1780 General Washington and his troops encamped here on an ancient Indian village site. ...

Washington's Camp

In 1784 George Washington, Bushrod Washington, James Craik and his son made a horseback journey to inspect their western lands and investigate the feasibility of building a canal from the Potomac River to westward waters. On their return trip, they ...

Early’s Washington Campaign

Jubal A. Early passed over this road on his return to the Shenandoah Valley, July 16, 1864. After leaving Lee before Richmond, June 13, Early traveled 450 miles, defeating Hunter at Lynchburg and Wallace on the Monocacy River in Maryland, ...
