
Results for Chicago

Chicago Water Tower and Pumping Station

The Water Tower and Pumping Stat...


Chicago Pedway System

Underneath the Chicago Cultural Center is one of many entr...


Results for Chicago

Chicago Water Tower and Pumping Station

The Water Tower and Pumping Station buildings were constructed in the late 1860s to collect and distribute municipal water. These structures supported the new two-mile long intake tunnel, which was built underneath Lake Michigan to draw clean water ...

Chicago Pedway System

Underneath the Chicago Cultural Center is one of many entrances to Chicago's extensive Pedway System, a collection of above- and below-ground passageways reserved for Chicago walkers who want to avoid packed sidewalks and unpleasant weather. The pedway's tunnels run underneath ...

The 1909 Plan of Chicago

In 1909, Daniel Burnham, Edward Bennett, and the Commercial Club of Chicago released thePlan of Chicago, an urban planning initiative dedicated to beautifying the city and redesigning it to better accommodate growth. Chicago's business clubs ...

The Great Chicago Fire of 1871

On the evening of Sunday, October 8, 1871, the cry of fire rang out onDeKovenStreet. Catherine and Patrick O'Leary's barn went up in flames, beginning what would be one of the most important events ...

Chicago Portage National Historical Site

The Chicago Portage National Historic Site marks the overland path used byvoyageursto travel between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River watersheds. The portage connected the south fork of the Chicago River with the Des ...

Pneumatic Tubes at the Chicago Federal Building

A network of tunnels for pneumatic mail-transport tubes once buzzed with activity under the block now occupied by Chicago’s John C. Kluczynski Federal Building, Post Office, and Plaza. The post office housed in the old Chicago Federal Building, which ...

Chicago Bee Building

Confident in the vitality of the Black Metropolis of Chicago, entrepreneur Anthony Overton commissioned his second building in this commercial district for the offices of the Chicago Bee, an African American newspaper he founded in 1926. Ironically enough, soon after ...

Old Chicago Public Library (Chicago Cultural Center)

Influenced by the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition, the first permanent home of the Chicago Public Library was designed in the Beaux Arts style by the Boston architectural firm of Shepley, Rutan, and Coolidge. It was constructed between 1893 and 1897 ...

Chicago and North Western Depot

Packers Heritage Trail

The Chicago & North Western Depot was the Packer's usual port of call for road trips over nearly four decades. And often those trips started or ended, or both, with a party thrown by the team's ever-faithful ...

Chicago Bee Building

Confident in the vitality of the Black Metropolis of Chicago, entrepreneur Anthony Overton commissioned his second building in this commercial district for the offices of the Chicago Bee, an African American newspaper he founded in 1926.

Ironically enough, soon after ...
