
Results for Civil War Site

Civil War Site

On April 5, 1862, Company A of the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry camped here during the occupation of the Raleigh Court House.

Marker is on Main Street, on the left when traveling east.


Charleston 's Civil War Sites

The Past is Present

Two significant dwellings that stood elsewhere during the Civil War have been relocated to this park for public use:

Craik-Patton House. The Rev. James Craik, son of George Washington’s personal secretary, constructed this house in downtown Charleston ...

Site of Civil War Hospital

This area was on a route used by Federal and Confederate troops as they made maneuvers between the Northern and Southern states. As they traveled thru, their sick and wounded were often left here for treatment. Dr. James Carson Weir, ...

Additional Area Civil War Sites

1. Sugarloaf Mountain - This was the site of a Union Signal Corps station that remained in operation throughout much of the war.

2. White's Ferry - Originally called Conrad's Ferry, this crossing was established in 1817 about four miles north ...

Early Gun Shop Site / Civil War Armorer

Early Gun Shop Site

Here Benjamin Mills made some of finest rifles in US, ca. 1830-50. His muzzle loaders famous for dual trigger system. Used by Kit Carson and Dr. Christopher Graham, conceded to be best rifle shot in world at ...

“Camp Fisher” Civil War Campsite

The 6th North Carolina Infantry Reg’t (C.S.A.) camped along the hills 100 yard south of here from Sept. 1861 to Mar. 1862 and named the site in honor of their fallen commander Col. Charles F. Fisher. The camp contained more ...

Civil War Site 1861-1865

As the border states began to fall, Alabama iron became critical to the survival of the Confederacy. During the last two years of the war, Alabama’s furnaces were producing 70% of the entire southern iron supply.

That output invited federal invasion ...

Civil War Hospital Site

Hoffman Farm

Civil War Hospital Site

Hoffman Farm

Was used as a hospital during

The Maryland Campaign 1862

Private Property

courtesy of S.H.A.F.

Marker is on Keedysville Road, on the right when traveling south.


Welcome to Fort Mulligan Civil War Site

Exploring Fort Mulligan.

A trail system with interpretive exhibits describe the Fort’s construction, usage and strategic importance during the Civil War. Most of the site is wheelchair accessible, however several areas are inaccessible because of steep terrain. Visitors should also ...

Civil War Hospital Site

Henry Shoemaker House

Civil War Hospital Site

The Henry

Shoemaker House

was used as a hospital site during

the Maryland Campaign 1862.

Private Property

courtesy of S.H.A.F

Marker is on Historic National Road (Alternate U.S. 40), on the right when traveling west.

