
Results for Clara Barton

Clara Barton’s Birthplace

1630 – 1930

One mile westward Clara Barton, "the angel of the battlefield," was born in 1821. A volunteer nurse in the Civil War, she served the International Red Cross in the Franco-Prussian War, founded the American Red Cross and served ...

Clara Barton

Women's Heritage Trail

Clara Barton, best known as a Civil War nurse and founder of the American Red Cross, was significant in New Jersey history for beginning the first "free" public school in the state. Barton took a teaching position in ...

Clara Barton, Angel of the Battlefield at Home

Civil War to Civil Rights

“I have paid the rent of a room in Washington ... retaining it merely as a shelter to which I might return when my strength should fail me under exposure and labor at the field.” Clara ...

Clara Barton

1862 - 1962

In Memory of Clara BartonFounder of the American Red Cross. A devoted nurse and tireless organizer who knew no enemy but the unfeeling heart. We walk the ways she took in easing the suffering at the Battle of ...

Clara Barton

(Upper Plaque):During the Battle of Antietam

September 17, 1862

Clara Barton brought supplies

and nursing aid to the wounded

on this battlefield.

The act of love and mercy

led to the birth of the present


National Red Cross

(Lower ...

Clara Barton School

One of the earliest free schools of New Jersey established 1852 by Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross.

Marker is at the intersection of Crosswicks Street (County Route 528) and East Burlington Street, on the left when traveling west ...

Clara Barton

In Commemoration of the Untiring Devotion of

Clara Barton


She organized and administered efficient measures for the relief of our soldiers in the field, and aided in the great work of preserving the names of more than twelve thousand of the ...

The Clara Barton House

Early headquarters of the American Red Cross and home of Clara Barton, founder and First President, who lived here until her death in 1912. Located just south of this marker, the house had an unusual interior of Steamboat Gothic design ...

Clara H. Barton

Founder of the American Red Cross

Here at Fairfax Station in early Sept. 1862, after the Second Battle of Manassas and the action near Chantilly, Clara Barton ministered to the suffering. By her humane and tireless efforts this Angel of ...
