
Results for Delaware Canal

The Delaware and Hudson Canal


The Rondout Creek at this site provided the tidewater terminal for the D and H Canal, a constructed water-way of 108 miles, completed in 1828. Starting at Honesdale, Pennsylvania, hundreds of flat canal boats carried millions of tons of ...

National Historic Landmark -Delaware and Hudson Canal

National Historic Landmark -Delaware and Hudson Canal

Principal waterway connecting the coalfields of Pennsylvania with the furnaces of New York. The growth of railroads led to the canal's demise after 1899

Courtesy National Park Service National Historical Landmarks

Delaware and Hudson Canal


Delaware and Hudson Canal

has been designated a

Registered National

Historic Landmark

Under the provisions of the Historic Sites Act of August 21, 1935 this site possesses exceptional value in commemorating or illustrating the history of the United States


Delaware Canal

Here is Lock No. 21 in a series of 23 lift locks, numbered from Bristol to Easton. The aqueduct over Cooks Creek is one of nine which carried water and shipping across branches of the Delaware River.

Marker is on ...

Delaware Canal

Uhlertown, known as Mexico at an earlier date, was named for Michael Uhler, boatbuilder and operator of a line of canal boats. Lock No. 18 and well kept buildings are interesting reminders of canal days.

Marker is on Uhlerstown Hill ...

Delaware Canal / Pennsylvania Canal

Delaware Canal

Here is Lock No. 12 in a series of 23 lift locks, numbered from Bristol to Easton. Just above here is one of the nine aquaducts by which the canal and its traffic crossed courses of small streams.


Delaware & Raritan Canal

In memory of those who lost their lives during construction of the Delaware & Raritan Canal.

From 1830 to 1834, an army of ditch diggers, carpenters and masons - many of whom were Irish immigrants - built the canal. Large ...

Delaware And Raritan Canal

Begun in 1832, canal follows Delaware River to Trenton then New Brunswick. Built by Irish immigrants, canal fell into disuse with advent of railroads in 1850.

Marker is on New Jersey Route 29, on the right when traveling south.


Centre Bridge / Delaware and Raritan Canal Feeder

[Side A:]

Centre Bridge

The Center Bridge Company was incorporated to construct a toll bridge across the Delaware River here in 1812, completely reconstructed in 1830, and substantially repaired in 1841 after a damaging flood. The bridge, a covered timber structure, was ...

Delaware & Raritan Canal State Park


Historical Significance

Dug by hand, mostly be Irish immigrants, the 66 mile D & R Canal was completed in 1834. 75 feet wide and 8 feet deep, the canal originally had 14 locks to raise and lower boat traffic.

