
Results for Fairfax

The Glebe of Fairfax Parish

The glebe was a 500-acre farm provided for the rector of Fairfax Parish, which included both Christ Church, Alexandria, and the Falls Church. The Glebe House, built in 1775, stood here. It burned in 1808 and was rebuilt in 1820, ...

Fairfax Rosenwald School

The Fairfax Rosenwald School of “Fairfax Colored School” was constructed in 1925–26 on this site. It replaced an earlier African-American school on Main Street east of the Fairfax Cemetery. In 1917, Julius Rosenwald, president of Sears, Roebuck & Co., formed ...

Fairfax Monument

This monument, erected circa 1924 by the Fairfax family, memorializes William Fairfax, who built Belvoir, and his wife Deborah Clarke, who died in 1757 and 1747, respectively. The monument also honors Thomas and William Henry Fairfax, two of William's sons. ...

Lord Fairfax

At sometime prior to the incorporation of Winchester, Thomas Lord Fairfax, Baron of Cameron, and at one time a Justice of the County of Frederick, dedicated to the public uses of the square which is bounded by Court House Avenue ...

Old Fairfax High School

This building opened in 1935 as the first 4-year "Fairfax High School," becoming the largest consolidated high school in the county as the Oakton and Clifton High Schools were closed. It closed in 1972 when the new school opened on ...


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Fairfax, chartered in 1893 and

incorporated in 1896, grew out of

an early community centered around

Owens' Crossroads, where a store

was established in 1814, and later

including Bethlehem Baptist Church

( now First Baptist Church ), founded

in 1852. When Port Royal RR ...

Fairfax Family Cemetery

This quarter-mile trail leads to the Fairfax Family Cemetery.

It was common practice in the 18th century for residents of estates to be buried in family cemeteries on their property. William Fairfax and his wife Deborah, who died in 1757 and ...

William Fairfax and His Son, George William Fairfax

After schooling in England, George William Fairfax returned to Belvoir to live in 1746, and married Sarah Cary, also known as Sally, in 1748. They had no children. Upon his father William Fairfax's death in 1757, George William inherited Belvoir. ...

The Influence of the Fairfax Family

William Fairfax:

• fought in Spain for Queen Anne;

• was a member of the Royal Navy;

• served as Governor of New Providence, Bahama Islands,

• served as an agent to manage, the Northern Neck Proprietary;

• was a Vestryman of Pohick Church;

• elected ...

The Fairfax Family

Belvoir was the home of William Fairfax from 1741 until his death in 1757. William Fairfax hand seven children, four by his marriage to Sarah Walker: Sarah, Ann, Thomas and George William. After Sarah Walker Fairfax's death in 1731, William ...
