
Results for First Christian Church

First Christian Church of Lufkin

A Christian church was organized in Angelina County about 1884 in Homer, the county seat. When the railroad line from Houston to Shreveport was built about 5 miles from Homer, the town of Lufkin was built around the depot. Many ...

First Christian Church

Founded, 1839, through efforts of Talbert Fanning and David Lipscomb. Present structure, erected 1849-50, housed refugee State Senate in Civil War. Here Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterways Agreement was signed in 1958.

Marker is at the intersection of 2nd Avenue North and N. 6th ...

First Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) began in Kentucky in the early years of the nineteenth century. Dr. Daniel Hook and Captain and Mrs. Edward Campfield established Augusta’s First Christian Church in 1835, despite great suspicion and ...

First Indiana State Meeting of the Christian Churches


Indiana State


of the

Christian Churches

(Disciples of Christ)

was held in

Central Christian Church.

Then on the South Side

of Kentucky Avenue

between Capitol and

Senate Avenues,

June 7-11, 1839This marker dedicated at the 125th anniversary state ...

First Christian Church of Fort Worth

City’s pioneer congregation, organized by the Rev. A.M. Dean, who with hymn book and revolver came in 1855 to the riotous six-year-old hamlet on the Trinity. He held services (at present Belknap and Houston Streets) in a log house built ...

First Christian Church of Taylor

Founded Dec. 9, 1877, with 22 charter members from churches in "old home" states. Gen. R. M. Gano of Dallas preached daily during ensuing week, and 20 others joined the church. The initial meeting was in an Odd Fellows hall. ...

First Advent Christian Church

This church is the oldest in Tustin, having been in continuous service since 1881. The original sanctuary contains pews which came around the Horn from the East Coast by sailing ship.

Marker is on West Main Street, on the right ...
