
Results for First Methodist

14. First Methodist Chuch, 6830 Berryhill Street

6830 Berryhill Road – First Methodist Church


The Church that stands today at the intersection of Berryhill, Broad and Willing Streets was built in 1936.  It was constructed after two other church buildings made of wood were destroyed by ...

Salem First United Methodist Church

In 1833 the Methodist Church sent missionaries to Oregon with the first settlement established about ten miles north of Salem at what is now Willamette Mission State Park. Jason Lee, a Salem Oregon pioneer, missionary, civic leader and co-founder of ...

First United Methodist Church 1872

Following a fire in June 1902 that destroyed the Methodist Episcopal Church of the North Alabama Conference, along with most of downtown Alexander City, the church leadership chose to relocate to this site.

Construction began in 1903 on the neoclassical ...

Alpharetta First United Methodist Church

circa 1834

The Methodist Church was part of the Forsyth Circuit of the Cherokee District. Methodist camp meetings were held near this spot in the early 1830s, and there was a meeting house as early as 1834. On April 1, 1871, ...

Pleasanton First United Methodist Church

This congregation was organized in 1857, one year before the city of Pleasanton was founded. The church was established largely through the efforts of early Methodist circuit preachers such as John Wesley DeVilbliss and Augustus C. Fairman, who later was ...

First Methodist Church of Pampa

Five charter members established the First Methodist Church in 1906, the first denomination organized in Pampa. In 1908 a one-room white church with a steeple was built. This church site was purchased in 1924, and a new sanctuary was completed ...

First United Methodist Church Jasper/President Franklin Delano R

Attends Funeral of William Brockman Bankhead

Side 1

Methodism came to Jasper with the city's founder, Dr. Edward Gordon Musgrove, who donated land for the courthouse and for most of downtown Jasper. In 1826, he and others constructed a building of large ...

Site of Dover's First Methodist Church

In 1778, a Methodist Society was organized in Dover by Reverend Freeborn Garrettson. Desiring a permanent place of worship, members acquired a one-half acre lot at this location from Vincent Loockerman in 1782. Future Delaware Governor Richard Bassett contributed toward ...

First United Methodist Church


Established September 8, 1822 in a log house on the west side of town by Revs. John Cox and John Kerr. Cox and wife, Frances Langley had been affiliated with the Wesleys in England. Second meeting place was in Farmer's ...

Site of the First Methodist Church

In Charleston


Established in 1785 under the leadership

of Bishop Francis Asbury, the first Methodist

Society in Charleston purchased a lot in

Cumberland Street and erected a church

here in 1786. Long known as the Blue Meeting

House because of its color and to distinguish

it ...
