
Results for First Methodist Church Site

Site of Dover's First Methodist Church

In 1778, a Methodist Society was organized in Dover by Reverend Freeborn Garrettson. Desiring a permanent place of worship, members acquired a one-half acre lot at this location from Vincent Loockerman in 1782. Future Delaware Governor Richard Bassett contributed toward ...

Site of the First Methodist Church

In Charleston


Established in 1785 under the leadership

of Bishop Francis Asbury, the first Methodist

Society in Charleston purchased a lot in

Cumberland Street and erected a church

here in 1786. Long known as the Blue Meeting

House because of its color and to distinguish

it ...

Site of Milford's First Methodist Church

The beginning of Methodism in this community

can be traced to the organization of a local

“society” in 1777. Early meetings were held

in the homes of its members. On December 3, 1787,

Joseph Oliver conveyed a lot of ground ...

Original Site of First Methodist Church of Austin

Established in 1840 by the Rev. John Haynie (1786-1860), the First Methodist Church was Austin’s second Protestant congregation. Services were held in temporary quarters until members erected their first meeting house in 1847 at this site, then the corner of ...

Site of First African Methodist Episcopal Church on the Pacific

This is the site of the first church building associated with an African American religious congregation on the Pacific Coast. The church was the Methodist Church of Colored People of Sacramento City, formally organized in 1850. In 1851 the congregation ...

First Methodist Church Site

Building Moved

To the Farmer Place – 1894

Destroyed by Storm – 1948

Marker Relocated – 1960

