
Results for Fort Erie

Fort Erie Ferry Landings

Throughout the 1800s there were many ferry landings competing for business along the Niagara River. The map below is a compilation of some of these locations.

Ferry leases were granted to:

Col. John Warren Sr.,

John Warren Jr.,

Nelson Forsyth,

Kenneth Mackenzie

and Col. James Kerby.

Colonel ...

Fort Gibson: Oyster Banks to Batteries

The earliest fort on this site was built in 1794. Great Britain’s navy had been seizing American merchant ships and forcing their sailors into service on British vessels. Congress decided that the nation’s most important harbors should be defended in ...

Fort Erie

Three fortifications occupied this site. The first (1764-1779) and second (c. 1783-1803), located at lower levels, were abandoned when ice and water inundated the works. The third Fort Erie, built between 1805 and 1808, was repaired in January 1814 but ...

Confederate Forts & Batteries

About 1 1/4 mi. NE, now under water, a redoubt housed mainland defense headquarters for Island No. 10. It was flanked by Batteries 2, 3, 4 & 5. commanding the river. Successfully withstanding bombardment for two weeks, these and the ...

Fort Erie, Pro Patria Mori Cairn

[Text on the base of the Cairn];

Here are buried

150 British Officers and Men

Who fell in the attack on Fort Erie

On the 26th day of August, 1814, and three

of the defenders, men of the United States

Infantry, whose remains were discovered

during the ...
