
Results for Fort Johnson

Johnson's Fort

During the summer of 1851, a small company of men was exploring this area and discovered the springs on the bench one-fourth mile to the east. Joel H. Johnson was so impressed with the spot, that he sought and received ...

National Historic Landmark-Fort Johnson

National Historic Landmark-Fort Johnson

Example of a vernacular Georgian house built (c. 1749) on the frontier of the Middle Colonies. Home of Sir William Johnson, land agent, military leader, and Superintendent of Indian Affairs in the northern British Colonies.

Courtesy National Park ...

Fort Johnson, 1749

Third Mohawk Valley House

built by Sir William

Johnson. Important military

post and Indian Council

place of 1754-60

Marker is at the intersection of Mohawk Turnpike (New York Route 5) and Mergner Drive, on the right when traveling west on Mohawk Turnpike.


Fort Edward Johnson

On April 19, 1862, General Johnson, with General Lee’s approval, moved our regiment from Allegheny Mountain to Shenandoah Mountain. To protect ourselves from Yankee bullets, we dug about a mile of trench in this rocky ground. We then opened our ...

Welcome to Fort Edward Johnson

My name is Shepherd Green Pryor, but my friends and family call me “Shep.” I was elected First Lieutenant of the Muckalee Guards, Company A, 12th Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry. We’ve just survived a cold Virginia winter on the top ...

Fort Edward Johnson

On April 19, 1862, General Johnson, with General Lee’s approval, moved our regiment from Allegheny Mountain to Shenandoah Mountain. To protect ourselves from Yankee bullets, we dug about a mile of trench in this rocky ground. We then opened our ...

Fort Johnson

In the hours following the September 29, 1864, Federal triumph at Fort Harrison, 1,000 yards south of here, Confederate defenses stiffened. Two hundred Georgia infantrymen and Virginia artillerists filled Fort Johnson. Later in the morning they repulsed a direct attack ...

“The fort and garrison, with Col. Johnson, are ours.”

You are now inside the remains of the Upper Works. Within 15 minutes of each other, the two columns of American Light Infantry converged on the flanks of these fortifications. Lieutenant Colonel Francois de Fleury, a French engineer and professional ...

Fort Johnson

The First Shot

Across the harbor directly in front of you lies Fort Johnson. From Fort Johnson came the shot that began the Civil War.

If a Union soldier at Fort Sumter looked toward Fort Johnson at 4:30 a.m., April ...

Site of Fort Johnson

Site of

Fort Johnson

In 1776

Prior to the battle of Sullivan's Island

General William Moultrie here raised

The First Flag of Liberty

This building was a unit of the fort.

[Emblem: D.A.R.]

Placed by Rebecca Motte Chapter

Daughters of ...
