
Results for Fort Stevens

Fort Stevens


Fort Stevens
Near Georgia Avenue at 13th Street and Quackenbos Street NW
Washington, DC


Fort Stevens, now partially restored, was built to defend the approaches ...

Fort Stevens State Park

Fort Stevens State Park, named after Isaac Stevens, a former Washington Territory Governor and Civil War general, is part of Lewis and Clark National and State Historical Parks. Located on the Columbia River west of Astoria, Oregon, this site has ...

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Scale Model of Fort Stevens

Dedicated September 1936

in memory of

The Grand Army of the Republic

by the

Daughters of Union Veterans

of the

Civil War


Marker is on Quackenbos St NW near 13th Street NW, on the left when traveling east.

Courtesy ...

Fort Stevens

Rock Creek Park

“We haven’t taken Washington, but we scared Abe Lincoln like hell! ” General Jubal Anderson Early

Built between 1861-1863 this structure was originally called Fort Massachusetts and guarded the northern defenses of the nation’s capital during the ...

Fort Stevens

Built in 1862, Fort Stevens was part of the Confederate inter-defense line of Richmond. This fort was named for Col. W.H. Stevens, who was in charge of the construction of Richmond’s defenses. Most fortifications were built quickly and made of ...

Fort Stevens

Butler’s Campaign Ends

“Neither army, however, manifested any disposition either to advance or retire. It was a case of stand and fire, each endeavoring to cripple the other the most, and gain, if it could, some advantage here or there. The ...

Lincoln Under Fire at Fort Stevens

July 12, 1864.

Marker can be reached from 13th Street, N.W. near Fort Stevens Drive, N.W.

