
Results for Gas Station

Historic John Osterman Gas Station

This property was listed in the National Register of

Historic Places on March 15, 2012. The John Osterman

Gas Station was one of several privately-owned and

operated businesses in the town of Peach Springs during the 1920's through the 1950's. ...

Phillips 66 Petroleum Company Gas Station

Built in 1930 by the Independent Oil

and Gas Company, this Tudor

Revival style gas station was

purchased by Phillips 66 Petroleum

Company the same year. The

original "house" style brick building

was modified in the 1940s to the

L-shaped plan seen today. Gas was

sold and vehicles ...

Abram Woodbury Home and Gas Station

Circa 1919

Abram Woodbury, one of the first permanent settlers in Mesquite, built a new home here circa 1919 and opened a mercantile store. He also built overnight cabins for tourists and operated Mesquite's first gas station. Abram purchased gasoline by ...

Gas and Electric Sub Station

Site of

US Army Air Corps

Primary Flying School

Gas and Electric Sub Station

Construction completed 6 Jun 1931

Dedicated on 27 Dec 1996


Acetylene Gas Generating Station

Circa 1900. The Herndon Gas Company was established in the early 1900s by two brothers, Edward and Benjamin Detwiler. The company provided gas for downtown Herndon street lights and for lights in a few of the Town's more affluent households. ...

Gas Station

A gas station has stood on this site since the opening of the town in 1937. Notice that the rounded glass facade is gone from the original building and that a garage has been added on the right side. Initially, ...
