
Results for George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver Branch Library

In Feb. 1926 the Austin Public Library opened in a room over a downtown store. Within months, the books were moved to this structure, built at Guadalupe and Ninth St., across from Wooldridge Park. In 1933, with completion of a ...

George Washington Carver School

On these grounds in 1939, Henry Ford built a school to serve the educational needs of the African-American children of lower Bryan County. Professor Herman Cooper was appointed as the Principal when the school opened later that year, originally with ...

George Washington Carver Regional High School

George Washington Carver Regional High School was founded in 1948 to serve the educational needs of black students in Culpeper, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock counties. Secondary schools for blacks in those counties were either nonexistent or inadequate for collegiate preparation. ...

George Washington Carver

A former slave boy, George Washington Carver came to Neosho in the 1870s seeking an education. At Neosho’s Lincoln School, he began his long climb out of ignorance. This was his first step toward becoming a world-famous scientist and teacher ...

George Washington Carver's Thoughts

Right Road

…how can I be sure that I’m on the right road?… “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Now you must learn to look to Him for direction and then follow, and you will ...

Birthplace of George Washington Carver

Within this area by Act of Congress

of July 14, 1943, is preserved

the birthplace of

George Washington Carver

who rose from slavery to become

a distinguished scientist and

a great force in creating

racial understanding


George Washington Carver's Birthplace

The cabin site offers an impression of the slave cabin in which Carver was born. Its mysteries reflect the confused circumstances of Carver's early life.

The log cabin in which George Washington Carver was born was not built with the intention ...

George Washington Carver National Monument

Immediately after George Washington Carver’s death in 1943, the United States Congress recognized the importance of keeping his memory alive by establishing Carver’s birthplace as a national monument.

George Washington Carver first made an impression on Congress when he appeared ...
