
Results for Gettysburg Campaign

Gettysburg Campaign

Ewell's Corps of Lee's army passed here going north, June 11-12, 1863; Hill's Corps, June 19.

Marker is on Remount Road (U.S. 522), on the right when traveling south.


Gettysburg Campaign

Raid on Jefferson

In June and July of 1863, about 7500 Confederate and Union soldiers passed through Jefferson, taking horses, livestock, supplies, and food from local residents. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's rebel troops occupied the town on June 30. Plundered by ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Gen. Rodes' Confederate troops marched down this road July 1, 1863, on their way from Carlisle. At this point they turned right along the ridge to Oak Hill, to attack the Union flank.

Marker is at the intersection of Biglerville ...

Gettysburg Campaign

On June 28, 1863, part of General Jubal Early's Confederate Division neared York by this route. Here Early sent Colonel French to York Haven to burn bridges. Ordered to rejoin Lee's army, most of Early's men returned over this road ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Confederate General Albert G. Jenkins and his staff occupied this house, June 28-30, 1863. His brigade, a part of General Ewell's Corps, had entered Mechanicsburg to reconnoiter the approaches to Harrisburg with a view toward a June 30 attack. The ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Farthest advance of a body of Confederate troops toward Harrisburg. Southern units under General A. G. Jenkins of Ewell's Corps reached Oyster Point on June 28, 1863. On the next day defending militia faced them here in a skirmish in ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Invasion & Retreat

After stunning victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Virginia, early in May 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee carried the war north to Pennsylvania. After more than three weeks of marching through the Shenandoah Valley and western Maryland, ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Gen. Robert E. Lee reached Chambersburg June 26, 1863. Hearing June 28 that Union troops under Gen. Joseph Hooker had crossed the Potomac to Frederick, he decided to unite his forces at Cashtown; and left the city by this road.


Gettysburg Campaign

On June 26, 1863, Gen. R.S. Ewell, with orders to take Harrisburg, marched his army by this road toward Carlisle, which he reached next day. On June 29, he was ordered to rejoin Lee's army at Cashtown.

Marker is on ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Here on June 22, 1863, the First N.Y. Cavalry attacked the Southern advance force of cavalry under Gen. A.G. Jenkins. Here died the first Union soldier killed in action in Pennsylvania. Corporal William H. Rihl of Philadelphia serving in a ...
