
Results for Grace Church

Grace Church

Grace Church

 This church, in York-Hampton Parish, is the oldest in Yorktown. It has been active since its construction about 1697.  Much of the church was destroyed in the great fire of 1814.  The present structure incorporated much of the ...

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National Historic Landmark - Grace Church

National Historic Landmark - Grace Church

Consecrated October 5, 1848, Grace Church was commissioned by Bishop George Washington Doane of New Jersey, one of Richard Upjohn's most important patrons.

It is based on A.C. Pugins's GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, which became the major reference ...

National Historic Landmark -Grace Church

National Historic Landmark -Grace Church

Constructed from 1843-46, this is the first masterpiece of James Renwick, Jr., who would become, after Richard Upjohn, one of the foremost practitioners of the Gothic Revival style.

This commission, executed when he was only 25, ...

Grace United Methodist Church

In the spring of 1891, Rev. Louis A. Bennett was directed to establish a Methodist Protestant Church in

Georgetown. His efforts were successful, and a frame church was completed the following year on the northwest corner of East Market and King ...

Grace United Methodist Church

In 1827 a Methodist Society was

formed in this community, then known

as Washington. On February 16, 1828,

representatives of the congregation

purchased a parcel of land for the purpose

of erecting “a house or place of worship”

for its ...

Grace Episcopal Church


Commemorating the one

hundreth anniversary

of the first service

held in this church

on Quinquagesima Sunday

February 14, 1858

the Rt. Rev. Jackson Kemper

Bishop of Wisconsin


February 16, 1958

Marker is at the intersection of North Carroll ...

Grace Methodist Church

Organized December 24, 1797

Since that date four sanctuaries have burned, 1803–1843–1886–1947. Present imposing and lovely church was dedicated to the glory of God and service to mankind May 15, 1955. Body of Reverend Wm. Meredith, founder of Methodism in Wilmington, ...

Grace United Methodist Church

Grace United Methodist Church is a reminder of the tremendous physical impact Henry M. Flagler had on St. Augustine. This complex of structures resulted from a compromise between Flagler and the congregation of Olivet Church. That group of northern Methodists ...

Grace Episcopal Church

The third home of Grace Church, a brick Gothic Revival-style building, stood on this site from 1859 to 1960. The congregation was founded in 1841 by Dr. Churchhill Jones Gibson, rector until 1892. In 1928 a majority of the members, ...

Grace Episcopal Church

Called “A poem in cedar & stone,” its history is intimately related to that of Anniston: Town Founders, Daniel Tyler & Samuel Noble, inspired its conception, funded its construction & caused Woodstock Iron Co. to donate the land on which ...
