
Results for Grace Episcopal Church

Grace Episcopal Church


Commemorating the one

hundreth anniversary

of the first service

held in this church

on Quinquagesima Sunday

February 14, 1858

the Rt. Rev. Jackson Kemper

Bishop of Wisconsin


February 16, 1958

Marker is at the intersection of North Carroll ...

Grace Episcopal Church

The third home of Grace Church, a brick Gothic Revival-style building, stood on this site from 1859 to 1960. The congregation was founded in 1841 by Dr. Churchhill Jones Gibson, rector until 1892. In 1928 a majority of the members, ...

Grace Episcopal Church

Called “A poem in cedar & stone,” its history is intimately related to that of Anniston: Town Founders, Daniel Tyler & Samuel Noble, inspired its conception, funded its construction & caused Woodstock Iron Co. to donate the land on which ...

Grace Episcopal Church

On December 30, 1835, a group of local residents met at the Talley School House to organize themselves as a congregation of the Episcopal Church. The old school, which was located on Naaman’s Road, was purchased the following February to ...

Grace Protestant Episcopal Church

The first Episcopal service in Clarkesville was held Oct. 28, 1838 by the Rev. Mr. Ezra B. Kellogg, sent from N. Y. to the Diocese of Georgia as a missionary to this section. On Dec. 12, 1838, at his home, ...

Grace Episcopal Church


Designed by Milwaukee architect James Douglas, and constructed of local sandstone, Grace Episcopal Church is a distinguished example of the Gothic Revival style. Inspired by early English models, the corner tower contains a full carillon of bells. An ecclesiastical landmark ...

Grace Episcopal Church

William N. Lyster, Irish-born missionary, preached in Jonesville in 1836, and Darius Barker organized the parish in 1838. A church featuring Classical and Gothic styling was begun in 1844 and consecrated by Bishop Samuel McCoskry in 1848. Panelling and furniture ...
