
Results for Grace Methodist Church

Grace United Methodist Church

In the spring of 1891, Rev. Louis A. Bennett was directed to establish a Methodist Protestant Church in

Georgetown. His efforts were successful, and a frame church was completed the following year on the northwest corner of East Market and King ...

Grace United Methodist Church

In 1827 a Methodist Society was

formed in this community, then known

as Washington. On February 16, 1828,

representatives of the congregation

purchased a parcel of land for the purpose

of erecting “a house or place of worship”

for its ...

Grace Methodist Church

Organized December 24, 1797

Since that date four sanctuaries have burned, 1803–1843–1886–1947. Present imposing and lovely church was dedicated to the glory of God and service to mankind May 15, 1955. Body of Reverend Wm. Meredith, founder of Methodism in Wilmington, ...

Grace United Methodist Church

Grace United Methodist Church is a reminder of the tremendous physical impact Henry M. Flagler had on St. Augustine. This complex of structures resulted from a compromise between Flagler and the congregation of Olivet Church. That group of northern Methodists ...

Grace United Methodist Church

In 1827 a Methodist Society was

formed in this community, then known

as Washington. On February 16, 1828,

representatives of the congregation

purchased a parcel of land for the purpose

of erecting “a house or place of worship”

for its ...

Grace Methodist Church

Organized December 24, 1797

Since that date four sanctuaries have burned, 1803–1843–1886–1947. Present imposing and lovely church was dedicated to the glory of God and service to mankind May 15, 1955. Body of Reverend Wm. Meredith, founder of Methodism in Wilmington, ...