
Results for Greenville

Greenville Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Founded 1841

The original log church on Irish Street served until 1860 when the present structure was begun on land purchased from Andrew Johnson.

The War Between the States saw the church used as a hospital and stable.

The cannon ball in the ...


In 1844 John and Deborah Green and their children moved to Montcalm County from their native New York. He purchased land, which now encompasses more than half the town, and erected a dam and sawmill on this site. As the ...

Greenville County Veterans Memorial / Greenville County Medal of

[Veterans Memorial]:

Veterans Memorial

WWI 1917-1918

WWII 1941-1946

Korea 1950-1955

Military Branch Seals: United States Army, United States Marine Corps, United States Navy, United States Air Force, United States Coast Guard, United states Merchant Marine

Vietnam 1961-1975

Persian Gulf 1990

Undeclared Wars

POW...Remembering Those Who Served...MIA

[Medal of Honor]:

The Medal ...

Greenville Memorial Auditorium

This building was erected by the citizens of the Greenville community as a tribute to that glorious heritage which inspired the development and formation of the American government and the freedoms to which it aspires and is dedicated to the ...

North Greenville Baptist Academy

North Greenville Baptist Academy


"A Light Set on a Hill"

Founded by

North Greenville Baptist Association


Greenville Arboretum

Reedy River Falls Historic Park

The Greenville Garden Club won the $500 second place price in Better Homes and Gardens' "Most Beautiful America" contest in 1932 for their landscaping of Rock Quarry Park. Members used the money to develop South Carolina's ...

Greenville Treaty Line

Originated 1797

This starred line marks the crossing in Knox County of the Greenville Treaty Line as surveyed by Israel Ludlow between 1797 and 1799; that part running from near Fort Laurens in the eastern part of the state, to a ...

Old Greenville Graveyard



About 150 feet east of this point are buried some of Greenville's earliest settlers, including Elias Earle (1762-1823), State Representative and Senator and United States Congressman; George Washington Earle (1777-1821), wealthy planter and early Greenville Clerk of Court, ...

Greenville Woman's College


Established in 1854 by the S.C. Baptist Convention, this institution opened as Greenville Baptist Female College in February 1856, on this site originally donated by Vardry McBee to the Greenville Academies. Its name was changed to Greenville Woman's College ...

City of Greenville 9-11 Plaque

Somerset, Pa., New York, N.Y., Washington D.C.


A Day Not To Be Forgotten

Marker is on 201 South Main Street.

